I.—CENSUS SUB-DISTRICTS., No. 1.—Population of each Census Sub-district, classified according to Sex and Age.
No. Name. Under 21 years. 21 years and over. Total. Under 21 years. 21 years and over. Total. Under 21 years. 21 years and over. Total.
ASHBURTON 1 Onslow 22 134 156 22 17 39 44 151 195
ASHBURTON 2 Globe Hill 8 59 67 2 5 7 10 64 74
ASHBURTON 3 Peedamulla 6 29 35 1 1 2 7 30 37
ASHBURTON 4 Mt. Mortimer 8 42 50 1 1 2 9 43 52
ASHBURTON 5 Winning Pool 1 2 3 1 2 3
TOTAL, ASHBURTON 45 266 311 26 24 50 71 290 361
BLACKWOOD 1A Donnybrook Goldfields (Nelson) 20 47 67 12 12 24 32 59 91
BLACKWOOD 1B Donnybrook Goldfields (South-West Mining) 81 143 224 83 57 140 164 200 364
BLACKWOOD 2 Balingup 62 91 153 60 44 104 122 135 257
BLACKWOOD 3A Greenbushes (Nelson) 3 4 7 1 3 4 4 7 11
BLACKWOOD 3B Greenbushes (South-West Mining) 112 293 405 132 120 252 244 413 657
BLACKWOOD 4 Bridgetown 123 140 263 118 105 223 241 245 486
BLACKWOOD 5 Upper Blackwood 64 99 163 76 50 126 140 149 289
BLACKWOOD 6 Warren 31 40 71 36 29 65 67 69 136
TOTAL, BLACKWOOD 496 857 1,353 518 420 938 1,014 1,277 2,291
BROAD ARROW 1 Bardoc 27 154 181 19 37 56 46 191 237
BROAD ARROW 2 Black Flag 14 176 190 22 32 54 36 208 244
BROAD ARROW 3 Broad Arrow District 8 46 54 5 7 12 13 53 66
BROAD ARROW 4 Paddington 64 161 225 46 60 106 110 221 331
BROAD ARROW 5 Broad Arrow Municipality 62 172 234 48 89 137 110 261 371
BROAD ARROW 6 Broad Arrow Areas 38 71 109 27 35 62 65 106 171
BROAD ARROW 7 Paddington Townsite 27 83 110 32 51 83 59 134 193
TOTAL, BROAD ARROW 240 863 1,103 199 311 510 439 1,174 1,613
BROOME 1 Broome 91 872 963 41 68 109 132 940 1,072
BROOME 2 Beagle Bay 56 463 519 10 7 17 66 470 536
BROOME 3 La Grange Bay 8 84 92 1 3 4 9 87 96
TOTAL, BROOME 155 1,419 1,574 52 78 130 207 1,497 1,704