No. 15.—Holders of University Degrees, classified according to Birthplace.
BIRTHPLACE. Males. Females. Total.
Commonwealth of Australia—
Western Australia 7 7
New South Wales 20 2 22
Victoria 47 3 50
Queensland 3 3
South Australia 19 1 20
Tasmania 4 4
Australia (undefined) 1 1
Total Commonwealth 101 6 107
New Zealand 2 1 3
Total Australasia 103 7 110
England 80 2 82
Wales 1 1
Scotland 27 2 29
Ireland 38 38
Austria-Hungary 1 1
Belgium 1 1
Denmark 1 1
France 1 1
Germany 6 6
Italy 1 1
Portugal 1 1
Russia 1 1
Sweden 2 2
Total Europe 160 5 165
British India 9 9
Ceylon 3 3
Total Asia 12 12
Barbadoes 1 1
Canada 1 1
Trinidad 1 1
West Indies (undefined) 1 1
United States of America 6 1 7
Total America 10 1 11
GRAND TOTAL 285 13 298