No. 1.—Population of each Census Sub-district, classified according to Sex and Age—continued.
No. Name. Under 21 years. 21 years and over. Total. Under 21 years. 21 years and over. Total. Under 21 years. 21 years and over. Total.
VICTORIA—continued 3B Oakabella (Greenough) 45 71 116 41 32 73 86 103 189
VICTORIA—continued 3C Oakabella (Geraldton) 5 37 42 9 14 23 14 51 65
VICTORIA—continued 4A Moonyoonooka (Greenough) 168 209 377 164 164 328 332 373 705
VICTORIA—continued 4B Moonyoonooka (Geraldton) 16 8 24 4 4 8 20 12 32
VICTORIA—continued 5 Ellendale 152 162 314 103 112 215 255 274 529
VICTORIA—continued 6 Yarragadee 75 112 187 79 46 125 154 158 312
VICTORIA—continued 7 Yardarino 159 209 368 157 117 274 316 326 642
VICTORIA—continued 8 Diamond of the Desert 22 41 63 12 12 24 34 53 87
VICTORIA—continued 9 Geraldton Municipality—East Ward 203 258 461 206 227 433 409 485 894
VICTORIA—continued 10 Geraldton Municipality—Central Ward 240 465 705 239 252 491 479 717 1,196
VICTORIA—continued 11 Geraldton Municipality—West Ward 138 106 244 141 118 259 279 224 503
VICTORIA—continued 12 Abrolhos 3 24 27 3 24 27
TOTAL, VICTORIA 1,498 2,070 3,568 1,422 1,286 2,708 2,920 3,356 6,276
WELLINGTON 1 Racecourse 40 47 87 35 43 78 75 90 165
WELLINGTON 2 Stirling 93 87 180 87 57 144 180 144 324
WELLINGTON 3 Capel 40 42 82 41 32 73 81 74 155
WELLINGTON 4 Leschenault 17 21 38 17 16 33 34 37 71
WELLINGTON 5 Waterloo 98 115 213 114 90 204 212 205 417
WELLINGTON 6 Uduc 80 84 164 73 59 132 153 143 296
WELLINGTON 7 Dardanup 15 28 43 18 21 39 33 49 82
WELLINGTON 8 Ferguson 95 165 260 82 89 171 177 254 431
WELLINGTON 9A Upper Preston (Wellington) 10 6 16 7 6 13 17 12 29
WELLINGTON 9B Upper Preston (South-West Mining) 29 29 58 15 20 35 44 49 93
WELLINGTON 10 Brookhampton 83 70 153 73 59 132 156 129 285
WELLINGTON 11 Harris 128 220 348 117 92 209 245 312 557
WELLINGTON 12 Millar 201 514 715 211 187 398 412 701 1,113
WELLINGTON 14 Bingham 2 38 40 1 3 4 3 41 44
WELLINGTON 15 Teesdale 4 4 4 4
WELLINGTON 16 Bunbury Municipality—North Ward 176 276 452 210 222 432 386 498 884
WELLINGTON 17 Bunbury Municipality—Central Ward 75 95 170 77 91 168 152 186 338
WELLINGTON 18 Bunbury Municipality—South Ward " A " 205 175 380 218 177 395 423 352 775
WELLINGTON 19 Bunbury Municipality—South Ward " B " 131 96 227 122 109 231 253 205 458
WELLINGTON 20 Bunbury Harbour 11 31 42 3 2 5 14 33 47
WELLINGTON 21 Donnybrook 61 96 157 71 64 135 132 160 292
TOTAL, WELLINGTON 1,590 2,239 3,829 1,592 1,439 3,031 3,182 3,678 6,860
WILLIAMS 1A Williams (Williams) 29 40 69 36 16 52 65 56 121
WILLIAMS 1B Williams (Murray) 1 1 2 3 1 4 4 2 6
WILLIAMS 2 Wandering 46 36 82 47 24 71 93 60 153
WILLIAMS 3A Marradong—Quindanning (Williams) 37 49 86 37 27 64 74 76 150
WILLIAMS 3B Marradong—Quindanning (Murray) 48 32 80 22 22 44 70 54 124
TOTAL, WILLIAMS 161 158 319 145 90 235 306 248 554