No. 1.—Population of each Census Sub-district, classified according to Sex and Age—continued.
No. Name. Under 21 years. 21 years and over. Total. Under 21 years. 21 years and over. Total. Under 21 years. 21 years and over. Total.
ROEBOURNE 4B Millstream (Pilbarra) 6 6 1 1 7 7
ROEBOURNE 5 Tableland 4 32 36 2 1 3 6 33 39
ROEBOURNE 6 Whim Creek 10 193 203 16 12 28 26 205 231
TOTAL, ROEBOURNE 127 707 834 99 108 207 226 815 1,041
SUSSEX 1 Busselton Municipality 87 156 243 100 134 234 187 290 477
SUSSEX 2 Quindalup 104 92 196 87 93 180 191 185 376
SUSSEX 3 Karridale 176 290 466 121 92 213 297 382 679
SUSSEX 4 Central 8 14 22 6 6 12 14 20 34
SUSSEX 5 Ludlow 70 114 184 70 67 137 140 181 321
SUSSEX 6 Warren 29 32 61 26 14 40 55 46 101
TOTAL, SUSSEX 474 698 1,172 410 406 816 884 1,104 1,988
SWAN 1A Bayswater (Swan) 30 45 75 33 24 57 63 69 132
SWAN 1B Bayswater (Guildford) 66 98 164 55 62 117 121 160 281
SWAN 1C Bayswater (North Perth) 73 117 190 62 55 117 135 172 307
SWAN 2A Gooseberry Hill (Swan) 42 46 88 36 29 65 78 75 153
SWAN 2B Gooseberry Hill (Guildford) 63 112 175 65 64 129 128 176 304
SWAN 2C Gooseberry Hill (South Perth) 45 52 97 34 38 72 79 90 169
SWAN 3A Midland (Swan) 5 4 9 5 3 8 10 7 17
SWAN 3B Midland (Guildford) 70 136 206 83 76 159 153 212 365
SWAN 4A Smith's Mill (Swan) 70 86 156 65 48 113 135 134 269
SWAN 4B Smith's Mill (Guildford) 74 115 189 55 53 108 129 168 297
SWAN 5 Mundaring Weir 104 312 416 94 84 178 198 396 594
SWAN 6 Childlow's Well 140 272 412 149 116 265 289 388 677
SWAN 7 Upper Swan 193 155 348 116 67 183 309 222 531
SWAN 8 Muchea 34 32 66 31 17 48 65 49 114
SWAN 9 Gingin District 165 153 318 125 89 214 290 242 532
SWAN 10 Helena Vale Municipality 347 564 911 318 339 657 665 903 1,568
SWAN 11 Guildford Municipality 368 352 720 386 356 742 754 708 1,462
SWAN 12 Gingin Municipality 51 45 96 32 29 61 83 74 157
TOTAL, SWAN 1,940 2,696 4,636 1,744 1,549 3,293 3,684 4,245 7,929
TOODYAY 1 Newcastle Municipality—East Ward 69 80 149 72 76 148 141 156 297
TOODYAY 2 Newcastle Municipality—West Ward 11 7 18 11 13 24 22 20 42
TOODYAY 3 Mangowine 11 37 48 11 12 23 22 49 71
TOODYAY 4 Goomalling 124 190 314 101 88 189 225 278 503
TOODYAY 5 Clackline 70 138 208 61 50 111 131 188 319
TOODYAY 6A Bejoording (Toodyay) 108 140 248 105 84 189 213 224 437
TOODYAY 6B Bejoording (Moore) 3 14 17 2 3 5 5 17 22
TOODYAY 7 Culham 91 88 179 80 83 163 171 171 342
TOODYAY 8 New Norcia 167 199 366 147 108 255 314 307 621
TOODYAY 9 Dandaragan 39 44 83 41 24 65 80 68 148
TOODYAY 10 Yatheroo 71 83 154 74 45 119 145 128 273
TOTAL, TOODYAY 764 1,020 1,784 705 586 1,291 1,469 1,606 3,075
VICTORIA 1 Lynton 70 110 180 55 46 101 125 156 281
VICTORIA 2A Geraldine (Murchison) 84 101 185 87 55 142 171 156 327
VICTORIA 2B Geraldine (Greenough) 32 31 63 23 17 40 55 48 103
VICTORIA 3A Oakabella (Murchison) 86 126 212 102 70 172 188 196 384