No. 4.—Population of each Magisterial District, classified according to Occupation—continued.
Class. Designation. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total.
Engaged in Government, defence, law, etc. 6 6 47 47 40 1 41
Ministering to religion, charity, health, education, etc. 36 25 61 62 69 131 71 80 151
Total, Class I. 42 25 67 109 69 178 111 81 192
Engaged in Supplying board and lodging 14 13 27 69 67 136 71 100 171
Engaged in Domestic service and attendance 32 46 78 60 139 199 33 122 155
Total, Class II. 46 59 105 129 206 335 104 222 326
Dealing in Property and finance 12 3 15 37 9 46 28 10 38
Dealing in Art and mechanic productions 1 1 7 1 8 6 2 8
Dealing in Textile fabrics, dress, and fibrous materials 2 2 4 20 5 25 23 17 40
Dealing in Food, drinks, narcotics, and stimulants 8 3 11 61 2 63 66 10 76
Dealing in Animals, and animal and vegetable substances N.E.I. 5 5 48 48 7 7
Dealing in Fuel and light 1 1 1 1 3 3
Dealing in Metals and other minerals 5 5 7 1 8
General and undefined merchants and dealers 8 1 9 89 11 100 34 7 41
Speculators on chance events
Engaged in storage
Total, Class III. 37 9 46 268 28 296 174 47 221
Engaged in Railway traffic 70 70 227 227 214 214
Engaged in Traffic on roads 10 10 50 50 30 30
Engaged in Traffic on Seas and rivers 124 1 125 101 101
Engaged in Postal, telegraph, and telephone service 8 7 15 37 11 48 18 9 27
Messengers, etc. 2 2
Total, Class IV. 88 7 95 440 12 452 363 9 372
Working in Art and mechanic productions 10 10 67 1 68 80 80
Working in Textile fabrics, dress, and fibrous materials 10 9 19 20 40 60 27 41 68
Working in Food, drinks, narcotics, and stimulants 15 15 38 2 40 55 1 56
Working in Animal and vegetable substances, N.E.I. 6 6 25 25 11 11
Working in Metals and other minerals 27 27 46 46 40 40
Working in Fuel, light, and other forms of energy 1 1
Engaged in Construction of buildings, roads, railways, etc. 41 41 99 99 189 189
Engaged in Disposal of the dead, or of refuse 11 11 3 3
Engaged in Undefined industrial pursuits 41 2 43 71 71 24 24
Total, Class V. 150 11 161 378 43 421 429 42 471
Engaged in Agricultural pursuits 741 13 754 709 38 747 693 15 708
Engaged in Pastoral pursuits 50 21 71 250 17 267 26 26 52
Engaged in Capture, etc., of wild animals and their products 7 7 24 1 25 2 2
Engaged in Fisheries 11 11 9 9
Engaged in Forestry 3 3 10 10 601 601
Engaged in Water conservation and supply 1 1 27 27 2 2
Engaged in Mining and quarrying 54 54 47 47 37 37
Total, Class VI. 856 34 890 1,078 56 1,134 1,370 41 1,411
VII. INDEFINITE (of independent means) 4 4 7 3 10 5 8 13
TOTAL, BREAD-WINNERS 1,223 145 1,368 2,409 417 2,826 2,556 450 3,006
Dependent on natural guardians 535 1,119 1,654 1,128 2,282 3,410 1,246 2,572 3,818
Supported by voluntary and State contributions 16 25 41 13 5 18 15 8 23
Criminal class (under legal detention) 5 5 17 17 3 3
TOTAL, DEPENDENTS 556 1,144 1,700 1,158 2,287 3,445 1,264 2,580 3,844
UNSPECIFIED 5 2 7 1 4 5 9 1 10
GRAND TOTAL 1,784 1,291 3,075 3,568 2,708 6,276 3,829 3,031 6,860