No. 4.—Population of each Magisterial District, classified according to Occupation—continued.
Class. Designation. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total.
Engaged in Government, defence, law, etc. 4 4 14 14 70 1 71
Ministering to religion, charity, health, education, etc. 13 13 7 1 8 63 71 134
Total, Class I. 17 17 21 1 22 133 72 205
Engaged in Supplying board and lodging 12 20 32 56 1 57 49 68 117
Engaged in Domestic service and attendance 4 2 6 62 29 91 28 127 155
Total, Class II. 16 22 38 118 30 148 77 195 272
Dealing in Property and finance 2 2 5 5 31 17 48
Dealing in Art and mechanic productions 2 2 1 1 11 2 13
Dealing in Textile fabrics, dress, and fibrous materials 1 1 22 10 32
Dealing in Food, drinks, narcotics, and stimulants 4 4 12 12 73 2 75
Dealing in Animals, and animal and vegetable substances N.E.I. 2 2 1 1 26 26
Dealing in Fuel and light 4 4
Dealing in Metals and other minerals 9 9
General and undefined merchants and dealers 16 1 17 34 34 53 14 67
Speculators on chance events 2 2
Engaged in storage 5 5
Total, Class III. 27 1 28 53 53 236 45 281
Engaged in Railway traffic 145 145
Engaged in Traffic on roads 16 16 49 49 28 28
Engaged in Traffic on Seas and rivers 4 4 20 20 502 2 504
Engaged in Postal, telegraph, and telephone service 4 4 22 22 37 5 42
Messengers, etc.
Total, Class IV. 24 24 91 91 712 7 719
Working in Art and mechanic productions 6 6 11 11 117 1 118
Working in Textile fabrics, dress, and fibrous materials 1 1 2 2 18 64 82
Working in Food, drinks, narcotics, and stimulants 7 7 5 5 38 38
Working in Animal and vegetable substances, N.E.I. 2 2 5 5 7 7
Working in Metals and other minerals 4 4 6 6 38 38
Working in Fuel, light, and other forms of energy 1 1 1 1 4 4
Engaged in Construction of buildings, roads, railways, etc. 16 16 36 36 110 110
Engaged in Disposal of the dead, or of refuse 4 4
Engaged in Undefined industrial pursuits 6 6 12 12 48 48
Total, Class V. 42 1 43 78 78 384 65 449
Engaged in Agricultural pursuits 3 3 22 22 390 14 404
Engaged in Pastoral pursuits 6 6 66 4 70 126 8 134
Engaged in Capture, etc., of wild animals and their products 1 1
Engaged in Fisheries 5 5 26 26
Engaged in Forestry 237 237
Engaged in Water conservation and supply 1 1
Engaged in Mining and quarrying 206 206 461 461 25 25
Total, Class VI. 216 216 554 4 558 805 22 827
VII. INDEFINITE (of independent means) 1 1 1 1 14 9 23
TOTAL, BREAD-WINNERS 342 25 367 916 35 951 2,361 415 2,776
Dependent on natural guardians 39 92 131 28 59 87 1,134 2,242 3,376
Supported by voluntary and State contributions 1 1 2 2 2 17 2 19
Criminal class (under legal detention) 2 2 9 9
TOTAL, DEPENDENTS 40 93 133 32 59 91 1,160 2,244 3,404
UNSPECIFIED 1 1 9 5 14
GRAND TOTAL 383 118 501 948 94 1,042 3,530 2,664 6,194