No. 4.—Population of each Magisterial District, classified according to Occupation—continued.
Class. Designation. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total.
Engaged in Government, defence, law, etc. 10 10 6 6 281 7 288
Ministering to religion, charity, health, education, etc. 21 7 28 6 5 11 319 253 572
Total, Class I. 31 7 38 12 5 17 600 260 800
Engaged in Supplying board and lodging 21 33 54 5 4 9 247 394 641
Engaged in Domestic service and attendance 8 17 25 1 8 9 196 425 621
Total, Class II. 29 50 79 6 12 18 443 819 1,262
Dealing in Property and finance 5 5 4 4 169 38 207
Dealing in Art and mechanic productions 1 1 1 1 83 26 109
Dealing in Textile fabrics, dress, and fibrous materials 7 3 10 1 1 139 74 213
Dealing in Food, drinks, narcotics, and stimulants 30 1 31 3 3 445 43 488
Dealing in Animals, and animal and vegetable substances N.E.I. 5 5 127 2 129
Dealing in Fuel and light 8 8 37 37
Dealing in Metals and other minerals 1 1 181 4 185
General and undefined merchants and dealers 14 14 8 1 9 491 86 577
Speculators on chance events 1 1 2
Engaged in storage 45 45
Total, Class III. 65 4 69 23 1 24 1,718 274 1,992
Engaged in Railway traffic 586 3 589
Engaged in Traffic on roads 30 30 19 19 239 1 240
Engaged in Traffic on Seas and rivers 4 4 1,720 14 1,734
Engaged in Postal, telegraph, and telephone service 7 7 42 42 88 34 122
Messengers, etc. 10 10
Total, Class IV. 37 37 65 65 2,643 52 2,695
Working in Art and mechanic productions 14 14 2 2 700 23 723
Working in Textile fabrics, dress, and fibrous materials 6 11 17 1 2 3 136 287 423
Working in Food, drinks, narcotics, and stimulants 19 19 4 4 243 34 277
Working in Animal and vegetable substances, N.E.I. 22 22 1 1 54 1 55
Working in Metals and other minerals 9 9 2 2 457 1 458
Working in Fuel, light, and other forms of energy 3 3 26 26
Engaged in Construction of buildings, roads, railways, etc. 26 26 8 8 1,056 1,056
Engaged in Disposal of the dead, or of refuse 43 43
Engaged in Undefined industrial pursuits 1 1 5 5 412 3 415
Total, Class V. 100 11 111 23 2 25 3,127 349 3,476
Engaged in Agricultural pursuits 9 9 22 3 25 319 9 328
Engaged in Pastoral pursuits 7 7 32 2 34 114 19 133
Engaged in Capture, etc., of wild animals and their products 2 2 6 1 7 2 2
Engaged in Fisheries 1 1 148 148
Engaged in Forestry 3 3 28 28
Engaged in Water conservation and supply 11 11 2 2 19 19
Engaged in Mining and quarrying 737 737 4 4 416 416
Total, Class VI. 766 766 70 6 76 1,046 28 1,074
VII. INDEFINITE (of independent means) 1 1 57 11 68
TOTAL, BREAD-WINNERS 1,028 72 1,100 199 27 226 9,634 1,793 11,427
Dependent on natural guardians 133 356 489 115 193 308 3,572 7,866 11,438
Supported by voluntary and State contributions 3 3 248 98 346
Criminal class (under legal detention) 261 25 286
TOTAL, DEPENDENTS 136 356 492 115 193 308 4,081 7,989 12,070
UNSPECIFIED 1 1 47 89 136
GRAND TOTAL 1,165 428 1,593 314 220 534 13,762 9,871 23,033