No. 1.—Summary of the Occupations of the Population of Western Australia.
Class. Designation. Under 20 years. 20 years and upwards. Total. Under 20 years. 20 years and upwards. Total. Under 20 years. 20 years and upwards. Total.
Working in art and mechanic productions 480 3,156 3,636 48 47 95 528 3,203 3,731
Working in textile fabrics, dress, and fibrous materials 99 989 1,088 667 1,357 2,024 766 2,346 3,112
Working in food, drinks, narcotics, and stimulants 186 1,452 1,638 36 38 74 222 1,490 1,712
Working in animal and vegetable substances, N.E.I. 85 1,271 1,356 1 1 86 1,271 1,357
Working in metals and other minerals 407 2,176 2,583 1 1 2 408 2,177 2,585
Working in fuel, light, and other forms of energy 37 200 237 37 200 237
Engaged in construction of buildings, roads, railways, etc. 328 5,499 5,827 1 1 328 5,500 5,828
Engaged in disposal of the dead, or of refuse 10 212 222 10 212 222
Engaged in undefined industrial pursuits 272 2,743 3,015 6 5 11 278 2,748 3,026
Total, Class V. 1,904 17,698 19,602 759 1,449 2,208 2,663 19,147 21,810
Engaged in agricultural pursuits 1,371 6,951 8,322 95 190 285 1,466 7,141 8,607
Engaged in pastoral pursuits 239 1,744 1,983 81 115 196 320 1,859 2,179
Engaged in capture, etc., of wild animals and their products 4 81 85 1 1 2 5 82 87
Engaged in fisheries 53 1,450 1,503 4 4 53 1,454 1,507
Engaged in forestry 188 1,989 2,177 188 1,989 2,177
Engaged in water conservation and supply 67 1,109 1,176 1 1 67 1,110 1,177
Engaged in mining and quarrying 826 19,009 19,835 3 3 826 19,012 19,838
Total, Class VI. 2,748 32,333 35,081 177 314 491 2,925 32,647 35,572
VII. INDEFINITE (of Independent Means) 1 206 207 117 117 1 323 324
Total, Bread-winners 7,960 77,422 85,382 3,234 10,255 13,489 11,194 87,677 98,871
Dependent on natural guardians 25,571 89 25,660 28,754 28,281 57,035 54,325 28,370 82,695
Supported by voluntary and State contributions 337 833 1,170 268 224 492 605 1,057 1,662
Criminal class (under legal detention) 58 341 399 18 26 44 76 367 443
Total, Dependents 25,966 1,263 27,229 29,040 28,531 57,571 55,006 29,794 84,800
UNSPECIFIED 7 257 264 189 189 7 446 453
GRAND TOTAL 33,933 78,942 112,875 32,274 38,975 71,249 66,207 117,917 184,124