No. 3.—Population of Western Australia, classified according to Occupation in conjunction with Age and Grade—continued.
Class. Order. Sub-order. Group. DESIGNATION. Under 5 years. 5 years and under 15. 15 years and under 20. 20 years and under 25. 25 years and under 45. 45 years and under 65. 65 years and upwards. Not stated. Employing Labour. Working on own account but not employing Labour. Assisting but not receiving wages or salary. Receiving wages or salary.
CLASS III. (SUB-CLASS B.)—continued.
ORDER 12.—Persons engaged as speculators on chance events.
Sub-order 1.—Chance events.
III. 12 1 1 Lottery keeper, agent
2 Turf commission agent, sweep promoter 2 2 13 2 3 2 12
3 Bookmaker 3 13 1 4 4 8
4 Others 1 1 1 1
Total, Sub-order 1 2 6 27 3 7 7 21
Total, Order 12 2 6 27 3 7 7 21
ORDER 13.—Persons engaged in Storage.
Sub-order 1.—Storage.
13 1 1 Bonded, free store, proprietor, manager, clerk 3 4 25 4 36
2 Bonded, free store, storeman, worker 2 12 8 22
3 Others engaged in storage 1 7 5 13
Total, Sub-order 1 6 4 44 17 71
Total, Order 13 6 4 44 17 71
TOTAL, CLASS III. 309 1,159 1,345 5,960 1,279 219 9 1,517 1,555 113 6,358
ORDER 14.—Persons engaged in the transport of passengers and goods, or in effecting communications.
Sub-order 1.—On Railways (not construction).
IV. 14 1 1 Railway oficer, station-master, clerk 7 122 179 580 41 1 923
2 Railway engine-driver, fireman 1 56 208 441 30 1 3 728
3 Railway guard, porter, servant 1 83 169 557 34 5 843
4 Railway ganger, fettler 2 13 61 541 135 7 747
5 Railway employee, labourer 3 43 135 560 117 7 2 849
6 Others 1 4 27 4 36
Total, Sub-order 1 15 321 752 2,706 361 14 12 4,126
Sub-order 2.—On Roads.
2 1 Cable tramway owner, officer, clerk
2 Cable tramway conductor, gripman, engine-driver, employee 1
3 Steam tramway owner, officer, clerk
4 Steam tramway conductor, driver, fireman, employee
5 Electric tramway owner, officer, clerk 1 4 4 9 1 19
6 Electric tramway conductor, driver, engine-driver, employee 3 26 71 1 101
7 Horse tramway owner, officer, clerk 2 1 1 2
8 Horse tramway conductor, driver, employee 5 5
9 Tramway employee (undefined)
10 Coach, omnibus, cab proprietor 1 5 4 77 21 3 2 29 72 4 8
11 Coach, omnibus, cab driver, conductor 1 9 15 53 17 1 3 5 1 83
12 Parcels delivery agent, driver, clerk 1 1 2 43 3 13 6 31
13 Drayman, carrier, carter, teamster, horsedriver (not elsewhere classified) 20 131 267 1,189 227 15 28 275 486 22 1,015
14 Livery stable keeper 1 5 2 39 7 20 9 25
15 Others 1 2 5 8
Total, Sub-order 2 26 160 325 1,488 279 18 31 340 579 27 1,297