No. 3.—Population of Western Australia, classified according to Occupation in conjunction with Age and Grade—continued.
Class. Order. Sub-order. Group. DESIGNATION. Under 5 years. 5 years and under 15. 15 years and under 20. 20 years and under 25. 25 years and under 45. 45 years and under 65. 65 years and upwards. Not stated. Employing Labour. Working on own account but not employing Labour. Assisting but not receiving wages or salary. Receiving wages or salary.
CLASS I.—ORDER 2—continued.
Sub-order 2.—Charity, exclusive of Hospitals.
I. 2 2 1 Officer of Department of Charity 2 1 1 1 5
2 Officer of charitable or benevolent institution 1 14 6 21
3 Subordinate officer or servant, charitable or benevolent institution 1 1 2
4 Sister of Charity
5 Others
Total Sub-order 2 1 3 16 7 1 28
Sub-order 3.—Health.
3 1 Officer of Health Department 1 4 8 1 14
2 Sanitary Inspector, Inspector of Nuisances 18 8 26
3 Medical practitioner 1 106 18 3 92 27
4 Medical student 2
5 Irregular medical practitioner 1 2 7 2 1 2 7 4
6 Dentist 1 10 10 27 5 15 13 25
7 Pharmaceutical chemist, druggist 15 30 35 111 21 1 34 44 122
8 Hospital or asylum nurse
9 Hospital or asylum officer or attendant, not elsewhere described 13 61 26 99
10 Midwife, monthly nurse
11 Sick nurse 1 1
12 Veterinary surgeon 10 2 2 7 3
13 Others 1 1
Total Sub-order 3 17 45 63 350 83 5 53 163 322
Sub-order 4.—Literature.
4 1 Author, editor, journalist 2 6 87 21 3 17 9 84
2 Reporter 3 8 2 13
3 Literary amanuensis, shorthand writer 1 4 1 1 3
4 Others 1 1
Total Sub-order 4 2 10 100 23 3 18 10 101
Sub-order 5.—Science.
5 1 Officer of Scientific Department of State 5 1 21 2 29
2 Analytical chemist 6 2 1 3 4
3 Assayer, metallurgist 3 34 74 127 12 1 1 10 20 203
4 Geologist, mineralogist 1 2 5 1 1 1 7
5 Naturalist, biologist, botanist 3 1 2 2
6 Others 1 2 1 1 3
Total Sub-order 5 3 40 78 164 19 1 1 13 26 248
Sub-order 6.—Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Architecture, and Surveying.
6 1 Civil engineer 9 20 169 74 4 48 29 171
2 Directing or consulting engineer 1 3 24 9 1 1 2 32
3 Electrician (not connected with telegraph or telephone service, or electric light) 1 9 3 33 1 6 3 36
4 Surveyor 15 22 199 33 2 27 12 1 222
5 Architect 1 8 5 79 23 3 22 45 2 48
6 Draftsman (not otherwise described) 5 12 73 10 4 93
7 Others 1 1
Total Sub-order 6 2 47 65 578 150 10 104 95 3 603
Sub-order 7.—Education.
2 7 1 Officer of Education Department 3 4 22 3 32
2 University professor, demonstrator, lecturer, etc.
3 Professor, lecturer, teacher, college, grammar, high school 2 1 3
4 Schoolmaster, schoolmistress, teacher, public school 6 17 21 134 12 189