No. 3.—Municipal and Extra-municipal Population of Western Australia, classified according to Religion.
Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total.
Church of England 21,355 17,687 39,042 23,672 12,940 36,612 45,027 30,627 75,654
Methodist 6,999 6,222 13,221 6,970 4,349 11,319 13,969 10,571 24,540
Presbyterian 4,935 3,711 8,646 4,317 1,744 6,061 9,252 5,455 14,707
Congregational 1,680 1,535 3,215 726 463 1,189 2,406 1,998 1,404
Baptist 859 790 1,649 766 499 1,265 1,625 1,289 2,914
Church of Christ 403 389 792 131 122 253 534 511 1,045
Salvation Army 541 491 1,032 430 228 658 971 719 1,690
Lutheran 470 178 648 931 124 1,055 1,401 302 1,703
Seventh Day Adventist 50 71 121 51 39 90 101 110 211
Unitarian 66 17 83 50 17 67 116 34 150
Protestant (undefined) 699 476 1,175 507 165 672 1,206 641 1,847
Roman Catholic 10,573 9,696 20,269 14,050 6,265 20,315 24,623 15,961 40,584
Greek Catholic 113 2 115 57 57 170 2 172
Catholic (undefined) 450 373 823 390 96 486 840 469 1,309
Other Christians 184 149 333 139 89 228 323 238 561
Jew, Hebrew, Israelite 660 462 1,122 95 42 137 755 504 1,259
Mahomedan 345 11 356 831 4 835 1,176 15 1,191
Buddhist 336 41 377 320 64 384 656 105 761
Confucian 26 26 48 48 74 74
Others 51 27 78 78 1 79 129 28 157
No Denomination 639 229 868 811 182 993 1,450 411 1,861
Freethinker 380 67 447 839 39 878 1,219 106 1,325
Agnostic 40 3 43 59 4 63 99 7 106
Others 63 42 105 32 8 40 95 50 145
Atheist 10 10 22 3 25 32 3 35
No Religion 278 58 336 822 208 1,030 1,100 266 1,366
Pagan 50 2 52 202 10 212 252 12 264
Others 6 3 9 1 1 7 3 10
V.—OBJECT TO STATE 981 373 1,354 1,448 251 1,699 2,429 624 3,053
VI.—UNSPECIFIED 339 121 460 499 67 566 838 188 1,026
Total 53,581 43,226 96,807 59,294 28,023 87,317 112,875 71,249 184,124