No. 4.—Habitations in Western Australia.—Number of Rooms.
NUMBER OF ROOMS IN HABITATIONS. IN MUNICIPALITIES. OUTSIDE MUNICIPALITIES. TOTAL. GRAND TOTAL. Percentage on total number of Habitations of specified number of rooms.
Occupied Houses. Unoccupied Houses. Houses being built. Occupied Houses. Unoccupied Houses. Houses being built. Occupied Houses. Unoccupied Houses. Houses being built.
One room 1,969 146 4 11,835 527 4 13,804 673 8 14,485 28.76
Two rooms 2,226 234 12 4,529 288 19 6,755 522 31 7,308 14.51
Three and four rooms 9,848 411 49 7,156 283 31 16,504 694 80 17,278 34.31
Five and six rooms 4,771 79 31 2,358 69 Illegible 7,129 148 42 7,319 14.53
Seven to ten rooms 1,771 30 5 1,043 32 5 2,814 62 10 2,886 5.73
Eleven to fifteen rooms 380 1 260 5 1 640 5 2 647 1.29
Sixteen to twenty rooms 146 2 1 75 2 221 4 1 226 0.45
Over twenty rooms 183 1 25 208 1 209 0.42
Total specified 20,794 902 104 27,281 1,206 71 48,075 2,108 175 50,358 100.00
Unspecified 195 65 8 236 90 18 431 155 26 612
Grand Total 20,989 967 112 27,517 1,296 89 48,506 2,263 201 50,970