No. 3.—Habitations in Western Australia.—Materials.
MATERIALS. IN MUNICIPALITIES. OUTSIDE MUNICIPALITIES. TOTAL. GRAND TOTAL. Percentage on total number of Habitations of specified materials.
Occupied Houses. Unoccupied Houses. Houses being built. Occupied Houses. Unoccupied Houses. Houses being built. Occupied Houses. Unoccupied Houses. Houses being built.
Stone 2,523 55 12 1,268 67 6 3,791 122 18 3,931 7.79
Brick 6,713 175 64 1,337 66 17 8,050 241 81 8,372 16.59
Concrete, Adobe, Pise 193 7 1 910 46 7 1,103 53 8 1,164 2.31
Iron 2,942 210 3 2,302 123 9 5,244 333 12 5,589 11.07
Wood 5,794 277 30 5,800 365 30 11,594 642 60 12,296 24.36
Wattle & Dab, Mud, Bark, etc. 9 5 455 25 1 464 30 1 495 0.98
Calico, Canvas, Hessian 2,663 181 1 15,258 521 4 17,921 702 5 18,628 36.90
Total specified 20,837 910 111 27,330 1,213 74 48,167 2,123 185 50,475 100.00
Unspecified 152 57 1 187 83 15 339 140 16 495
Grand Total 20,989 967 112 27,517 1,296 89 48,506 2,263 201 50,970