No. 47.—Population of each Ward of Subdivided Municipalities (exclusive of Aboriginals) classified according to number of Rooms in Habitations.
MUNICIPALITY. PERSONS RESIDING IN HABITATIONS CONTAINING Total persons residing in Habitations. * Persons Camping out. Half-caste Aboriginals (not included in foregoing columns). GRAND TOTAL.
1 room. 2 rooms. 3 and 4 rooms. 5 and 6 rooms. 7 to 10 rooms. 11 to 15 rooms. 16 to 20 rooms. Over 20 rooms. Unspecified number of rooms.
West Ward 10 19 262 428 197 34 34 984 984
East Ward 12 30 312 260 150 42 2 75 6 889 889
North Ward 22 114 739 523 243 62 5 8 2 1,718 3 1,721
Total 44 163 1,313 1,211 590 138 7 117 8 3,591 3 3,594
North Ward 7 20 302 167 185 41 41 120 883 1 884
Central Ward 2 11 117 67 91 26 23 337 1 338
South Ward 4 57 522 476 119 42 4 6 1,230 2 1 1,233
Total 13 88 941 710 395 109 45 143 6 2,450 2 3 2,455
North-West Ward 35 41 612 483 191 69 15 46 30 1,522 1,522
North-East Ward 69 64 568 314 58 11 118 6 1,208 1,208
South-West Ward 36 36 287 137 49 25 40 62 1 673 9 682
South-East Ward 39 82 459 149 31 27 38 11 1 837 837
Total 179 223 1,926 1,083 329 132 93 237 38 4,240 9 4,249
West Ward 16 122 398 338 257 76 130 196 54 1,587 12 1,599
North Ward 27 111 501 541 731 183 61 236 92 2,483 2,483
East Ward 24 125 857 629 295 109 257 18 2,314 2 2,316
South Ward 52 564 4,071 2,235 726 142 33 417 59 8,299 2 5 8,306
Total 119 922 5,827 3,743 2,009 510 224 1,106 223 14,683 14 7 14,704
West Ward 14 158 913 247 19 3 31 13 1,398 1,398
Central Ward 7 99 435 107 85 13 746 746
East Ward 4 114 124 83 16 9 350 350
Total 21 261 1,462 478 187 32 31 22 2,494 2,494
East Ward 14 61 371 184 123 30 103 886 8 894
Central Ward 14 93 381 238 163 56 16 100 1,061 1,061
West Ward 1 39 196 159 66 41 1 503 503
Total 29 193 948 581 352 127 16 203 1 2,450 8 2,458
East Ward 1 2 67 112 68 24 22 296 1 297
West Ward 20 4 18 42 42
Total 1 2 87 116 86 24 22 338 1 339
East Ward 9 60 290 132 71 7 46 615 615
Central Ward 9 11 273 154 40 69 8 24 588 588
West Ward 7 48 452 191 36 50 20 10 1 815 815
Total 25 119 1,015 477 147 126 28 80 1 2,018 2,018
Central Ward 87 123 665 1,084 1,285 440 207 1,354 78 5,323 58 2 5,383
North Ward 25 134 1,813 2,965 832 92 76 73 39 6,049 1 6,050
West Ward 15 119 2,186 2,412 657 73 53 147 125 5,787 5,787
South Ward 59 108 1,374 1,400 1,455 568 112 508 14 5,598 1 5,599
East Ward 24 132 1,392 1,640 948 186 141 254 15 4,732 2 4,734
Total 210 616 7,430 9,501 5,177 1,359 589 2,336 271 27,489 58 6 27,553
South Ward 1 76 312 91 9 6 495 495
Central Ward 8 120 814 218 20 23 54 26 1,283 1,283
North Ward 8 62 690 342 105 20 1,227 1,227
Total 17 258 1,816 651 134 23 74 32 3,005 3,005
North Ward 4 47 146 64 59 5 325 325
South Ward 6 20 195 165 147 56 25 25 639 1 3 643
East Ward 7 18 158 128 75 7 393 1 394
Total 17 85 499 357 281 63 25 25 5 1,357 1 4 1,362