No. 41.—Population of each Municipalities (exclusive of Aboriginals) classified according to Materials of which Habitations are built.
MUNICIPALITY. PERSONS RESIDING IN HABITATIONS BUILT OF Total Persons residing in Habitations. * Persons camping out. Half-caste Aboriginals (not included in foregoing columns). GRAND TOTAL.
Stone. Brick. Concrete, Adobe, Pise. Iron. Wood. Wattle and Dab, Mud, Bark, etc. Calico, Canvas, Hessian. Unspecified Materials.
West Ward 131 427 6 209 211 984 984
East Ward 105 418 9 135 211 1 10 889 889
North Ward 144 671 13 385 499 3 1 2 1,718 3 1,721
Total 380 1,516 28 729 921 3 2 12 3,591 3 3,594
North Ward 15 672 15 181 883 1 884
Central Ward 41 254 24 18 337 1 338
South Ward 22 571 3 626 2 6 1,230 2 1 1,233
Total 78 1,497 42 825 2 6 2,450 2 3 2,455
North-West Ward 51 44 4 701 516 196 10 1,522 1,522
North-East Ward 4 53 13 594 260 280 4 1,208 1,208
South-West Ward 43 69 268 135 157 1 673 9 682
South-East Ward 3 51 7 329 82 364 1 837 837
Total 101 217 24 1,892 993 997 16 4,240 9 4,249
West Ward 1,110 391 2 12 34 2 36 1,587 12 1,599
North Ward 1,514 822 26 8 16 97 2,483 2,483
East Ward 1,327 441 1 78 419 30 18 2,314 2 2,316
South Ward 3,846 1,443 314 2,606 44 46 8,299 2 5 8,306
Total 7,797 3,097 29 412 3,075 76 197 14,683 14 7 14,704
West Ward 287 142 10 105 833 8 13 1,398 1,398
Central Ward 140 43 10 486 67 746 746
East Ward 174 67 2 13 85 9 350 350
Total 601 252 12 128 1,404 75 22 2,494 2,494
East Ward 410 68 1 192 208 7 886 8 894
Central Ward 507 171 15 128 229 11 1,061 1,061
West Ward 327 55 56 64 1 503 503
Total 1,244 294 16 376 501 18 1 2,450 8 2,458
East Ward 14 271 8 3 296 1 297
West Ward 13 25 4 42 42
Total 27 296 12 3 338 1 339
East Ward 34 461 10 34 71 5 615 615
Central Ward 36 399 4 27 116 6 588 588
West Ward 16 494 23 74 195 13 815 815
Total 86 1,354 37 135 382 24 2,018 2,018
Central Ward 313 4,854 12 94 50 5,323 58 2 5,383
North Ward 253 4,524 6 106 1,128 1 31 6,049 1 6,050
West Ward 233 4,514 2 99 850 3 86 5,787 5,787
South Ward 692 4,404 88 403 11 5,598 1 5,599
East Ward 181 3,653 14 122 726 5 16 15 4,732 2 4,734
Total 1,672 21,949 22 427 3,201 8 17 193 27,489 58 6 27,553
South Ward 43 21 395 30 6 495 495
Central Ward 6 151 82 975 56 13 1,283 1,283
North Ward 22 284 62 852 7 1,227 1,227
Total 28 478 165 2,222 93 19 3,005 3,005
North Ward 23 215 74 3 9 1 325 325
South Ward 60 528 11 2 38 639 1 3 643
East Ward 100 247 38 6 2 393 1 394
Total 183 990 123 11 49 1 1,357 1 4 1,362