No. 35.—Population of each Ward of Subdivided Municipalities (exclusive of Aboriginals), classified according to Class of Habitation.
MUNICIPALITY. PERSONS RESIDING IN Total Persons residing in Habitations. * Persons camping out. Half-caste Aboriginals (not included in foregoing columns). GRAND TOTAL.
Private Dwellings. Hotels, Boarding houses, Lodging-houses, etc. Public Institutions. Religious, Educational, Nursing, and Charitable Institutions (other than public).
Calico, Canvas and Hessian. Others. Total.
West Ward 877 877 78 29 984 984
East Ward 1 724 725 164 889 889
North Ward 1 1,654 1,655 41 22 1,718 3 1,721
Total 2 3,255 3,257 283 29 22 3,591 3 3,594
North Ward 594 594 260 29 883 1 884
Central Ward 263 263 55 3 16 337 1 338
South Ward 2 1,183 1,185 14 31 1,230 2 1 1,233
Total 2 2,040 2,042 329 34 45 2,450 2 3 2,455
North-West Ward 196 1,176 1,372 144 6 1,522 1,522
North-East Ward 241 765 1,006 198 4 1,208 1,208
South-West Ward 157 367 524 99 50 673 9 682
South-East Ward 361 386 747 69 21 837 837
Total 955 2,694 3,649 510 54 27 4,240 9 4,249
West Ward 2 793 795 792 1,587 12 1,599
North Ward 1,325 1,325 1,101 57 2,483 2,483
East Ward 30 1,799 1,829 228 257 2,314 2 2,316
South Ward 44 7,365 7,409 492 370 28 8,299 2 5 8,306
Total 76 11,282 11,358 2,613 627 85 14,683 14 7 14,704
West Ward 8 1,354 1,362 36 1,398 1,398
Central Ward 67 679 746 746 746
East Ward 350 350 350 350
Total 75 2,383 2,458 36 2,494 2,494
East Ward 7 698 705 124 32 25 886 8 894
Central Ward 11 856 867 194 1,061 1,061
West Ward 488 488 13 2 503 503
Total 18 2,042 2,060 331 34 25 2,450 8 2,458
East Ward 246 246 41 9 296 1 297
West Ward 42 42 42 42
Total 288 288 41 9 338 1 339
East Ward 5 540 545 61 9 615 615
Central Ward 6 483 489 70 23 6 588 588
West Ward 13 692 705 110 815 815
Total 24 1,715 1,739 241 23 15 2,018 2,018
Central Ward 2,193 2,193 2,747 259 124 5,323 58 2 5,383
North Ward 1 5,596 5,597 403 49 6,049 1 6,050
West Ward 5,096 5,096 667 24 5,787 5,787
South Ward 4,096 4,096 1,163 287 52 5,598 1 5,599
East Ward 16 3,955 3,971 469 182 110 4,732 2 4,734
Total 17 20,936 20,953 5,449 728 359 27,489 58 6 27,553
South Ward 30 465 495 495 495
Central Ward 56 1,141 1,197 9 54 23 1,283 1,283
North Ward 7 1,168 1,175 52 1,227 1,227
Total 93 2,774 2,867 61 54 23 3,005 3,005
North Ward 1 324 325 325 325
South Ward 536 536 86 17 639 1 3 643
East Ward 386 386 7 393 1 394
Total 1 1,246 1,247 86 7 17 1,357 1 4 1,362