No. 26.—Habitations in each Electoral Province, classified according to the Number of Rooms contained.
1 room. 2 rooms. 3 and 4 rooms. 5 and 6 rooms. 7 to 10 rooms. 11 to 15 rooms. 16 to 20 rooms. Over 20 rooms. Unspecified number of rooms. 1 room. 2 rooms. 3 and 4 rooms. 5 and 6 rooms. 7 to 10 rooms. 11 to 15 rooms.
Central 1,310 537 975 397 169 59 17 24 34 3,522 29 29 62 10 12 1
East 813 560 1,232 625 325 59 20 8 19 3,661 25 43 84 21 10 1
Metropolitan 193 316 1,997 1,824 755 131 37 57 67 5,377 8 15 60 17 6
Metropolitan-Suburban 269 484 1,980 900 335 53 18 14 29 4,082 25 67 83 19 14
North 506 163 240 136 75 22 10 5 22 1,179 26 10 15 5 1
North-East 7,084 2,530 4,400 940 244 109 57 28 158 15,550 405 167 129 16 3
South 1,970 668 1,323 401 132 42 19 20 30 4,605 73 46 55 10 2
South-East 349 346 719 383 179 39 4 7 3 2,029 26 48 55 17 6 1
South-West 1,097 622 1,479 614 282 61 21 21 21 4,218 45 71 118 27 8
West 213 529 2,159 909 318 65 18 24 48 4,283 11 26 33 6 1 1
Total 13,804 6,755 16,504 7,129 2,814 640 221 208 431 48,506 673 522 694 148 62 5