Sub-Order. Over 65. Total Sub-Order. Total Order. Total Class.
ORDER 19.—Persons directly engaged in matters related to the Cultivation of Land, or to rearing or breeding of Animals, or in obtaining Raw Products from natural sources.
1 Engaged in Agricultural pursuits Males 348 600 564 1,476 1,064 326 4,378
Females 22 24 16 32 56 14 164
2 Engaged in Pastoral pursuits Males 89 142 256 743 414 61 1,705
Females 33 48 37 39 13 170
3 Engaged in connection with Fisheries, the capture, preservation, or destruction of wild Animals, or the acquisition of products yielded by wild Animals Males 14 33 104 337 45 4 537
Females 1 4 5
4 Engaged in connection with Forestry, or in the acquisition of Raw products yielded by natural Vegetation Males 12 26 48 115 87 11 299
Females 1 1 2
5 Engaged in connection with Conservance of Water in all its forms, and in Water supply Males 9 19 139 44 5 216
Females 1 1
6 Engaged in connection with Mines, Quarries, or the acquisition of natural Mineral products Males 4 18 100 759 368 20 1,269
8,746 8,746