Sub-Order. Over 65. Total Sub-Order. Total Order. Total Class.
ORDER 12.—Persons engaged in connection with the Manufacture or in other Processes relating to Art and Mechanic Productions in which Materials of various kinds are employed in combination.
1 Engaged in the production or manufacture of Books or Publications Males 5 39 24 45 8 121
Females 1 5 10 1 17
2 Engaged in the production or manufacture of Musical Instruments Males 1 1
3 Engaged in the production or manufacture of Prints, Pictures, and Art Materials Males
4 Engaged in the production or manufacture of Carving, Figures, and minor Art Products Males 3 3
5 Engaged in the production or manufacture of Equipment for Sports and Games Males
6 Engaged in the production or manufacture of Designs, Medals, Type, and Dies Males 1 3 4
Females 1 1
7 Engaged in the production or manufacture of Watches, Clocks, and Scientific Instruments Males 2 1 4 13 5 1 26
8 Engaged in the production or manufacture of Surgical Instruments and Appliances Males
9 Engaged in the production or manufacture of Arms and Explosives Males 2 2 1 5
10 Engaged in the production or manufacture of Machines, Tools, and Implements Males 3 18 15 68 26 2 132
Females 4 2 9
11 Engaged in the production or manufacture of Carriages and Vehicles Males 3 19 22 70 29 7 150
Females 1 1
12 Engaged in the production or manufacture of Harness, Saddlery, and Leatherware Males 13 38 40 100 98 19 308
Females 1 6 3 2 12
13 Engaged in the production or manufacture of Ships, Boats, and their Equipment Males 10 9 40 14 6 79
14 Engaged in the production or manufacture of Houses, Buildings, and House Fittings Males 12 72 151 556 204 40 1,035
15 Engaged in the production or manufacture of Furniture Males 4 14 15 29 11 2 75
Females 1 1
16 Engaged in the production or manufacture of Chemicals and By-Products Males 2 1 1 2 1 7
ORDER 13.—Persons engaged in connection with the Manufacture, or in Repairs, Cleansing, or other Processes relating to Textile Fabrics, Dress, and Fibrous Materials.
1 In Textile Fabrics Males 2 2
2 In Dress Males 1 6 10 29 27 3 76
Females 17 99 94 117 23 5 358
3 In Fibrous Materials Males 1 3 3 7