Summary by Districts, showing the number of Persons, Teachers, and Scholars attending Sunday School, in each District, at date of Census 1891 (exclusive of Aborigines).
Districts. Teachers. Scholars. Grand Total of Sunday Scholars.
Under 4 years. 4 and under 16. 16 and over. Total.
Blackwood 6 13 21 13 21 34
Fremantle 39 59 15 19 429 412 11 28 455 459 914
Gascoyne 1 1 1 11 13 1 11 15 26
Kimberley, East
Kimberley, West
Kimberley Goldfields
Murray 2 14 5 6 50 47 5 60 53 113
North 1 2 1 1 18 13 19 14 33
Perth 35 110 13 19 544 587 29 46 586 652 1,238
Plantagenet 18 16 5 7 185 179 4 2 194 188 382
Sussex 1 6 32 40 1 32 41 73
Swan 6 14 5 122 119 1 3 128 122 250
Toodyay 2 20 5 9 116 142 2 6 123 157 280
Victoria 25 37 4 11 216 230 6 9 226 250 476
Wellington 6 18 7 3 142 137 1 9 150 149 299
Williams 2 4 2 21 21 21 23 44
Yilgarn* 1 3 1 3 2 5
York 6 20 6 116 147 9 10 125 163 288
Total 144 327 60 85 2,018 2,109 68 115 2,146 2,309 4,455
Grand Total 471 145 4,127 183 4,455