Table showing the Degree of Education, in the various Districts of the Colony, of those Children of Compulsory School Age (between 6 and 14 years) who were stated as receiving Instruction "At Home," or whose place of Instruction was not recorded:—
Degree of Education. Grand Total.
Read and Write. Read only. Cannot Read. Not Stated.
Blackwood 8 18 6 4 9 10 55
Fremantle 97 77 8 16 39 21 6 3 264
Gascoyne 7 12 4 1 4 8 4 2 42
Kimberley, East 2 1 2 5
Kimberley, West 1 2 8 3 14
Kimberley Goldfields 2 1 2 5
Murray 25 34 6 1 19 16 1 102
North 15 12 2 3 6 6 1 45
Perth 128 136 11 15 38 57 8 9 402
Plantagenet 60 73 19 18 32 25 8 2 237
Sussex 41 34 11 9 10 11 116
Swan 95 129 19 9 53 37 5 7 354
Toodyay 68 82 16 26 57 42 4 1 296
Victoria 94 77 26 30 87 70 2 2 388
Wellington 35 43 14 10 35 16 8 3 164
Williams 75 65 21 17 61 61 300
Yilgarn 3 4 2 1 10
York 68 68 16 16 69 71 5 3 316
Total 822 864 183 174 533 455 51 33 3,115
Grand Total 1,686 357 988 84