Return showing Houses and Rooms in each District, occupied, unoccupied, and in course of erection.
Districts. Houses Occupied. Houses Unoccupied. Houses Building and Approaching Completion. District Totals.
Houses. Rooms. Houses. Rooms. Houses. Rooms. Houses. Rooms.
Blackwood 149 588 14 38 163 626
Fremantle 1,261 6,506 31 149 12 52 1,304 6,707
Gascoyne 206 751 1 4 207 755
Kimberley, East 29 110 29 110
Kimberley, West 87 360 1 4 88 364
Kimberley Goldfields 74 149 74 149
Murray 238 945 13 60 251 1,005
North 473 1,404 1 2 474 1,406
Perth 1,912 9,693 8 53 10 63 1,930 9,809
Plantagenet 913 3,518 33 112 14 52 960 3,682
Sussex 289 1,378 61 169 350 1,547
Swan 860 2,835 15 63 1 3 876 2,901
Toodyay 708 3,176 7 20 22 118 737 3,314
Victoria 1,136 3,962 17 50 3 8 1,156 4,020
Wellington 445 2,186 9 40 2 11 456 2,237
Williams 448 1,462 1 4 449 1,466
Yilgarn 214 313 214 313
York 779 3,050 26 93 7 31 812 3,174
Total 10,221 42,386 236 855 73 344 10,530 43,585