Materials of Houses, 1881 and 1891.
Districts. Stone. Brick. Wood. Iron. All other Material.
1881. 1891. 1881. 1891. 1881. 1891. 1881. 1891. 1881. 1891.
Blackwood 4.00 12.08 28.00 24.16 68.00 37.58 2.01 24.17
Fremantle 88.94 81.36 3.85 5.31 7.20 8.88 2.38 2.07
Gascoyne 12.14 12.62 21.84 24.27 29.13
Kimberley, East 6.90 51.72 17.24 24.14
Kimberley, West 9.20 3.44 59.77 9.20 18.39
Kimberley Goldfields 9.46 8.11 21.62 5.40 55.40
Murray 16.88 13.02 22.72 17.64 57.80 60.94 0.84 2.59 7.56
North 20.24 8.88 1.19 4.86 72.62 36.36 2.38 5.71 3.57 44.19
Perth 5.17 5.91 84.76 77.98 9.41 7.06 0.09 1.46 0.55 7.58
Plantagenet 12.69 13.04 47.73 29.90 33.53 25.85 0.60 8.98 5.44 22.24
Sussex 14.62 9.69 26.31 14.88 57.89 71.63 1.17 3.80
Swan 7.98 4.07 59.10 36.63 32.27 17.91 1.75 0.64 39.65
Toodyay 20.44 20.20 53.33 59.60 26.22 10.31 1.13 8.76
Victoria 65.13 48.94 9.45 11.00 22.11 7.75 0.71 3.17 2.59 29.14
Wellington 8.84 7.42 34.25 37.30 56.08 47.64 0.27 0.67 0.55 6.97
Williams 16.42 13.84 27.53 21.21 54.10 21.66 4.23 1.93 39.06
Yilgarn 4.21 9.35 6.08 80.36
York 14.34 17.97 49.48 47.76 35.76 14.63 2.05 0.41 17.59
Total 30.49 23.36 40.39 34.38 27.66 19.07 0.22 3.41 1.23 19.78