TABLE I.—SUMMARY showing the NUMBER of PERSONS, MALES and FEMALES, of each NATIONALITY, in WESTERN AUSTRALIA, at the DATE of the CENSUS of 1870 and 1881 respectively (exclusive of Aborigines).
Nationalities. 1870. 1881. Increase. Decrease.
Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total.
Western Australia 5,496 5,426 10,922 8,888 8,885 17,773 3,392 3,459 6,851
England and Wales 5,378 1,890 7,268 4,980 1,780 6,760 398 110 508
Scotland 588 174 762 575 157 732 13 17 30
Ireland 1,857 1,712 3,569 1,519 1,456 2,975 338 256 594
Other British Possessions 197 147 344 423 272 695 226 125 351
America 91 14 105 68 19 87 5 5 23 23
Germany 38 5 43 61 10 71 23 5 28
France 22 11 33 21 9 30 1 2 3
Spain 93 2 95 85 85 8 2 10
Portugal 82 20 102 5 5 331 32 363
Russia 6 6
Austria 12 12
Italy 9 1 10
Holland 9 2 11
Denmark 11 11
Norway 18 18
Sweden 21 21
Greece 10 4 14
China 145 145
Malacea, &c. 110 110
Other States 9 2 11
AT SEA 48 43 91
UNSPECIFIED 1533* 9 1,542 29 6 35 1,504 3 1,507
Grand Total of the Colony 15,375 9,410 24,785 17,062 12,646 29,708 3,972 3,626 7,598 2,285 390 2,675