TABLE V.—SUMMARY showing the OCCUPATIONS of PERSONS, MALES and FEMALES, in each DISTRICT (exclusive of Aborigines).—continued.
Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females.
Sub-Class I.—Persons engaged in Working and Dealing in Art and Mechanic Productions in which Matters of various kinds are employed in combination—continued.
11. Coachmakers and dealers 12 12
12. Saddle and harnessmakers, dealers 47 47 6 6 2 2
13. Wheelwrights 99 99 2 2 4 4 6 6
14. Agricultural implement makers, dealers 1 1
15. Shipbuilders, shipwrights 36 36 22 22 1 1
16. Boatbuilders 11 11 1 1
17. Sailmakers 6 6 5 5
18. Builders 48 48 3 3 6 6 7 7
19. Carpenters, joiners, and undertakers 278 278 5 5 57 57 10 10
20. Bricklayers 61 61 1 1 1 1
21. Masons 72 72 26 26 9 9
22. Slaters and shinglers 1 1
23. Plasterers 14 14 4 4
24. Painters, paperhangers, plumbers and glaziers 42 42 1 1 12 12 2 2
25. Furnituremakers, cabinetmakers, upholsterers, and dealers 34 34 9 9
26. Dyers and scourers 1 1
Sub-Class II.—Persons Working and Dealing in Textile Textile Fabrics, in Dress, and in Fibrous Materials—
1. Drapers, linendrapers, and assistants 10 5 5 1 1
2. Woolstaplers and sorters 1 1
3. Barbers, hairdressers, wigmakers 7 7 2 2
4. Tailors 48 48 8 8 1 1
5. Clothes dealers, outfitters, shopmen, and assistants 3 3 1 1
6. Milliners and dressmakers 119 119 15 15
7. Shirtmakers and seamstresses 37 37 20 20 5 5
8. Boot and shoe makers, dealers, and assistants 246 246 3 3 31 31 12 12
9. Umbrella, parasol, stick makers, menders 1 1
10. Manglers, laundresses, washerwomen (not domestic servants) 54 54 16 16 2 2
11. Rope, cord makers, dealers 3 3
Sub-Class III.—Persons Working and Dealing in Food and Drinks—
1. Cowkeepers, dairymen, milksellers 11 8 3 3 2 1 1 1
2. Butchers, meat salesmen, and assistants 79 79 22 22 1 1
3. Provision curers, dealers 1 1
4. Poulterers, game dealers 1 1
5. Fishermen, fishmongers, curers, dealers 26 26 9 9
6. Millers, flourmill workers 35 35 5 5 7 7
7. Bakers 51 48 3 1 1 10 10
8. Confectioners, pastrycooks 6 5 1 2 2
9. Greengrocers, fruiterers, and assistants 10 9 1 3 3
10. Brewers and others engaged in brewing 23 23
11. Wine and spirit merchants, dealers, and assistants 1 1
12. Wine manufacturers 7 7 5 5
13. Gingerbeer, sodawater, mineral water, cordial manufacturers 1 1
14. Grocers, tea dealers, and assistants 3 2 1 3 2 1
Sub-Class IV.—Persons Working and Dealing in Animal and Vegetable Substances—
1. Soap boilers, tallow chandlers, melters 1 1
2. Fellmongers, tanners, and curriers 19 19 5 5
3. Hairbrush, broom makers, dealers 4 4 1 1
4. French polishers 4 4 2 2
5. Timber merchants, dealers 4 4
6. Turners 4 4
7. Coopers 8 8 2 2
8. Sawyers, sawmill owners, workers, splitters, sandalwood cutters, and cleaners 349 349 5 5 30 30
9. Basket makers 1 1
10. Pearlers 129 129 5 5
Sub-Class V.—Persons Working or Dealing in Minerals and other Substances—
1. Miners 102 102 2 2 3 3
2. Charcoal burners, dealers 8 8
3. Chimney sweepers 2 2
4. Gasworks service workmen 2 2
5. Quarry owners, workers 2 2
6. Stonecutters, dressers (not masons) 4 4
7. Limeburners, dealers 10 10 3 3
8. Brickmakers, dealers 46 46 2 2 1 1
9. Road, railway contractors 4 4
10. Road, railway laborers, excavators 22 22
11. Icemerchants, makers 1 1
12. Goldsmiths, silversmiths, jewellers 4 4 2 2
13. Jewellery manufacturers 3 3
14. Tin, zinc, galvanized iron workers, dealers 20 20 1 1 3 3
15. Iron and brass founders, moulders, workers, dealers 16 16 1 1
16. Blacksmiths, whitesmiths, and assistants 187 187 1 1 14 14 13 13
17. Furriers 9 9 1 1 1 1
18. Ironmongers, hardware dealers, and assistants 1 1
Sub-Class I.—Laborers and Others (Branch of Labor undefined)—
1. Laborers (branch undefined) 1,003 1,003 7 7 105 105 46 46
2. Mechanics (not otherwise defined) 5 5 2 2
3. Shopmen and shopwomen (branch undefined) 11 6 5 1 1
4. Apprentices (branch undefined) 22 21 1 7 7
5. Machinists (sewing) 2 2 1 1
6. Engineers, stokers, firemen (undefined) 26 26 5 5
7. Other indefinite occupations 53 53 8 8 1 1
Sub-Class II.—Persons of Property or Rank (no Occupation)—
1. Independent means, annuitants, &c. 36 19 17 10 9 1 1 1
2. Gentlemen, ladies (returned as such) 11 8 3
3. House proprietors, householders 49 32 17 15 9 6
Sub-Class III.—Persons supported by the Community (no Occupation)—
1. Pensioners 177 177 80 80 2 2
2. Inmates of Charitable Institutions, Hospitals 220 189 31 60 60
3. Prisoners 285 275 10 136 135 1
4. Lunatics* 97 63 34 97 63 34
5. Unemployed at present 96 79 17 4 1 3 17 15 2 4 3 1
Grand Total of the Colony 29,708 17,062 12,646 370 211 159 4,133 2,264 1,869 1,768 1,052 716