Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females.
Sub-Class I.—Government—Persons engaged in the General and Local Government of the Colony—
1. Officers of General Government (exclusive of Railways) 289 267 22 36 54 2 9 7 2
2. Officers of Local Government (Municipalities, School Boards, Road Boards, &c.) 14 13 1 2 2 2 2
3. Police—Officers, constables, warders 180 174 6 1 1 53 48 5 5 5
Sub-Class II.—Professional—Persons in the learned Professions (not in Government Service)—
1. Clergymen, ministers (all denominations) 44 44 6 6 3 3
2. Church officers, sextons, and others connected with religion 75 62 13
3. Lawyers, barristers, solicitors, attorneys, &c. 11 11 2 2
4. Law clerks, bailiffs, &c. 14 14 1 1
5. Physicians, surgeons 7 7
6. Dentists 3 3
7. Chemists, druggists, and their assistants 11 11 4 4
8. Midwives, Sick nurses, &c. 22 22 3 3
9. Others connected with medicine 3 3
Sub-Class III.—Professional—Persons engaged in Literature, Fine Arts, and Sciences—
1. Authors, editors, reporters, and literary persons 4 4
2. Civil engineers, architects, draftsmen, and scientific persons 19 19 2 2
3. Teachers, schoolmasters, schoolmistresses (Government schools) 66 26 40 1 1 11 6 5 5 2 3
4. Teachers, schoolmasters, schoolmistresses (assisted schools) 37 9 28 9 2 7
5. Teachers, schoolmasters, schoolmistresses (private schools) 47 7 46 8 2 6
6. Teachers, schoolmasters, schoolmistresses (not stated) 52 19 33 3 2 1 6 3 3
7. Tutors, governesses 48 12 36 1 1 1 1
8. Photographers, photographic artists 4 3 1
9. Musicians, music teachers, vocalists, &c. 15 10 5 3 3
Sub-Class I.—Persons engaged in Domestic Duties or Offices, and of no specified Occupation—
1. Wives, widows, sons, daughters, visitors, relatives (not otherwise described) 10,318 2,432 7,886 128 37 91 1,411 303 1,108 632 170 462
2. Scholars at home 1,479 682 797 53 22 31 98 42 56 75 37 38
3. Scholars at Government schools 2,777 1,471 1,306 36 15 21 440 245 125 214 101 113
4. Scholars at Assisted schools 1,323 643 680 249 106 143 51 21 30
5. Scholars at Private schools 748 316 432 4 4 212 99 113 12 5 7
Sub-Class II.—Persons Offices—Persons engaged in Entertaining and performing Personal Offices for Man—
1. Hotelkeepers, publicans, Billiard-makers, barmen, &c. 113 106 7 3 3 16 15 1 5 4 1
2. Restaurant and eating-housekeepers 1 1
3. Boarding and lodging housekeepers 13 6 7 6 3 3
4. Domestic servants, housekeepers, matrons 1,013 283 730 11 5 6 113 17 96 34 13 21
5. Officekeepers, cleaners (not Government) 5 3 2 3 2 1
Sub-Class I.—Trading—Persons who Buy, Sell, Keep, or Lend Money on Goods—
1. Merchants, importers, &c. 65 64 1 21 20 1 2 2
2. Auctioneers, appraisers, valuers, &c. 6 6 1 1
3. Brokers, land and commission agents, &c. 22 22 9 9
4. Bank officers and clerks, &c. 35 35 7 7 1 1
5. Officers of public companies 10 10
6. Commercial clerks and travellers 104 104 29 29 3 3
7. Storekeepers, shopkeepers (branch undefined), and assistants 203 145 58 2 1 1 54 39 15 2 2
8. Pawnbrokers 2 2 2 2
9. Hawkers and other general dealers 14 14
Sub-Class II.—Persons engaged in the Conveyance of Men or Goods—
1. Railway officers, clerks, station masters, &c. 11 11 3 3
2. Railway servants (guards, pointsmen) 44 41 3 20 18 2
3. Coach, omnibus, cab proprietors 1 1
4. Coach, omnibus, drivers, conductors 10 10 1 1
5. Draymen, carriers, carters 492 492 1 1 39 39 12 12
6. Shipmasters, officers, seamen, stewards, ship servants, stewardesses (merchant) 307 306 1 138 138 3 3
7. Engineers, stokers, &c., of steamers (merchant service) 17 17 1 1 2 2
8. Stevedores, lumpers, &c. 4 4 3 3
9. Watermen, boatmen, boat proprietors 103 103 30 30
10. Storekeepers, bonded or free (not shopkeepers) 4 4 1 1 1 1
11. Store laborers, storemen (not shopmen) 29 29 6 6
12. Messengers, porters (not Government or railway) 7 7
Sub-Class I.—Persons engaged in Agricultural pursuits—
1. Farmers 1,406 1,373 33 36 35 1 28 27 1 183 177 6
2. Sons, daughters, or relatives assisting on farms 946 882 64 13 13 34 34 149 131 18
3. Farm servants 796 793 3 11 11 18 18 118 117 1
4. Market gardeners, gardeners 188 187 1 16 16 6 6
Sub-Class II.—Persons engaged in Pastoral pursuits—
1. Squatters, graziers 201 198 8 1 1 15 15
2. Squatters, sons, daughters, or relatives assisting 23 23
3. Station managers or overseers 69 69 4 4 1 1 2 2
4. Shepherds, shepherdesses, stockmen, station laborers 995 990 5 30 30 9 9 69 69
Sub-Class III.—Persons engaged in land (not cultivating or grazing)—
1. Land Proprietors 42 29 13 5 3 2 3 1 2
Sub-Class IV.—Engaged about Animals—
1. Horse proprietors, breaders, dealers 6 4 2
2. Ostlers, others engaged about animals 91 91 6 6 4 4
Sub-Class I.—Persons engaged in Working and Dealing in Art and Mechanic Productions, in which Matters of various kinds are employed in combination—
1. Booksellers, publishers, stationers, and their assistants 2 1 1
2. Bookbinders, folders, stitchres, &c. 2 2 1 1
3. Printers, compositors 59 57 2 8 8
4. Newspaper proprietors and publishers 4 4 1 1
5. Lithographers, lithographic printers 2 2
6. Die sinkers and mould makers 3 3
7. Watch and clock makers 13 13 3 3
8. Gunsmiths 3 3 2 2
9. Enginemakers and dealers 5 5
10. Toolmakers and dealers 1 1