TABLE IV.—SHOWING the OCCUPATIONS in CLASSES of MALES and FEMALES of all AGES in the COLONY (exclusive of Aborigines).
Occupations. The Colony. City of Perth. Municipal Towns. Other Towns. Districts beyond limits of Towns.
Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females.
Sub-Class I.—Government—Persons engaged in the General and Local Government of the Colony 483 454 29 134 129 5 216 204 12 19 16 3 114 105 9
Sub-Class II.—Professional—Persons in the learned professions (not in Government Service) 190 155 35 54 37 17 50 39 11 8 7 1 78 72 6
Sub-Class III.—Professional—Persons engaged in literature, fine arts, and sciences 292 109 183 73 28 45 96 33 63 4 4 119 48 71
Total of Class I. 965 718 247 261 194 67 362 276 86 31 23 8 311 225 86
Sub-Class I.—Persons engaged in domestic offices, or duties, and of no specified occupation 16,645 5,544 11,101 3,032 961 2,071 4,831 1,642 3,219 464 168 296 8,318 2,803 5,515
Sub-Class II.—Persons Offices—Persons engaged in entertaining and performing personal offices for man 1,145 399 746 331 73 258 359 96 263 73 51 22 382 179 203
Total of Class II. 17,790 5,943 11,847 3,363 1,034 2,329 5,190 1,798 3,482 537 219 318 8,700 2,982 5,718
Sub-Class I.—Trading—Persons who buy, sell, keep, or lend money on goods 461 402 59 120 102 18 268 235 33 18 15 3 55 50 5
Sub-Class II.—Persons engaged in the conveyance of men or goods 1,029 1,025 4 97 96 1 429 428 1 67 67 436 434 2
Total of Class III. 1,490 1,427 63 217 198 19 697 663 34 85 82 3 491 484 7
Sub-Class I.—Persons engaged in agricultural pursuits 3,336 3,235 101 80 79 1 158 151 7 36 36 3,062 2,969 93
Sub-Class II.—Persons engaged in pastoral pursuits 1,288 1,280 8 11 11 35 35 16 16 1,226 1,218 8
Sub-Class III.—Persons engaged on land (not cultivating or grazing) 42 29 13 9 7 2 13 10 3 1 1 19 12 7
Sub-Class IV.—Persons engaged about animals 97 95 2 28 28 29 28 1 2 2 38 37 1
Total of Class IV. 4,763 4,639 124 128 125 3 235 224 11 55 54 1 4,345 4,236 109
Sub-Class I.—Persons engaged in working and dealing in art and mechanic productions, in which matters of various kinds are employed 857 853 4 264 261 3 341 341 32 32 320 219 1
Sub-Class II.—Persons working and dealing in textile fabrics, in dress and in fibrous materials 529 314 215 154 76 78 232 128 104 19 17 2 124 93 31
Sub-Class III.—Persons working and dealing in food and drinks 255 246 9 79 76 3 117 112 5 4 4 55 54 1
Sub-Class IV.—Persons working and dealing in animal and vegetable substances 523 523 24 24 47 47 67 67 385 385
Sub-Class V.—Persons working or dealing in minerals 443 443 76 76 119 119 32 32 216 216
Total of Class V. 2,607 2,379 228 597 513 84 856 747 109 154 152 2 1,000 967 33
Sub-Class I.—Laborers and others (branch of labor undefined) 1,122 1,114 8 166 162 4 326 322 4 46 46 584 584
Sub-Class II.—Persons of property or rank (no occupation) 96 59 37 35 21 14 49 30 19 12 8 4
Sub-Class III.—Persons supported by the community (no occupation) 875 783 92 277 232 45 479 442 37 13 13 106 96 10
Total of Class VI. 2,093 1,956 137 478 415 63 854 794 60 59 59 702 688 14
GRAND TOTAL 29,708 17,062 12,646 5,044 2,479 2,565 8,194 4,412 3,782 589 921 332 15,549 9,582 5,967