TABLE III.—SHOWING the OCCUPATIONS of the POPULATION, and the NUMBER of PERSONS engaged in them, ARRANGED in NUMERICAL ORDER (exclusive of Aborigines).
Farmers 1,373
Laborers (branch undefined) 1,003
Shepherds, Stockmen, station laborers 990
Sons, relatives, assisting on farms 882
Farm servants 793
Draymen, carriers, carters 492
Sawyers, sawmill owners, workers, splitters, sandalwood cutters and cleaners 349
Shipmasters, officers, seamen, stewards, ship servants (merchant) 306
Domestic servants 283
Carpenters, joiners, and undertakers 278
Officers of General Government (exclusive of railways) 267
Boot and shoe makers, dealers, and assistants 246
Squatters, graziers 198
Market gardeners, gardeners 187
Blacksmiths, whitesmiths, and assistants 187
Police—Officers, constables, warders 174
Storekeepers, shopkeepers (branch undefined), and assistants 145
Pearlers 129
Hotelkeepers, publicans, billiard markers, barmen, &c. 106
Commercial clerks and travellers 104
Watermen, boatmen, boat proprietors 103
Miners 102
Wheelwrights 99
Ostlers, others engaged about animals 91
Butchers, meat salesmen, and assistants 79
Masons 72
Station managers or overseers 69
Merchants, importers, &c. 64
Church officers, sextons, and others connected with religion 62
Bricklayers 61
Printers, compositors 57
Other indefinite occupations 53
Tailors 48
Bakers 48
Builders 48
Saddle and harness makers, dealers 47
Brickmakers, dealers 46
Clergymen, ministers (all denominations) 44
Painters, paperhangers, plumbers, glaziers 42
Railway servants (guards, pointsmen) 41
Shipbuilders, shipwrights 36
Bank officers, clerks, &c. 35
Millers, flourmill workers 35
Furniture makers, cabinet makers, upholsterers, and dealers 34
House proprietors, householders 32
Store laborers, storemen (not shopmen) 29
Land proprietors 29
Teachers, schoolmasters (Government schools) 26
Fishermen, fishmongers, curers, dealers 26
Engineers, stokers, firemen (undefined) 26
Sons or relatives of squatters assisting on stations 23
Brewers and others engaged in brewing 23
Brokers, land and commission agents, &c. 22
Road, railway laborers, excavators 22
Apprentices (branch undefined) 21
Tin, zinc, galvanized iron workers, dealers 20
Civil engineers, architects, draftsmen, and scientific persons 19
Teachers, school-masters (not stated) 19
Fellmongers, tanners, and curriers 19
Independent means, annuitants, &c. 19
Engineers, stokers, &c., of steamers (merchant service) 17
Iron and brass founders, moulders, workers, dealers 16
Law clerks, bailiffs, &c. 14
Hawkers and other general dealers 14
Plasterers 14
Officers of Local Government (municipalities, school boards, roads boards) 13
Watch and clock makers 13