TABLE III.—SHOWING the OCCUPATIONS of the POPULATION, and the NUMBER of PERSONS engaged in them, ARRANGED in NUMERICAL ORDER (exclusive of Aborigines).
Farmers |
1,373 |
Laborers (branch undefined) |
1,003 |
Shepherds, Stockmen, station laborers |
990 |
Sons, relatives, assisting on farms |
882 |
Farm servants |
793 |
Draymen, carriers, carters |
492 |
Sawyers, sawmill owners, workers, splitters, sandalwood cutters and cleaners |
349 |
Shipmasters, officers, seamen, stewards, ship servants (merchant) |
306 |
Domestic servants |
283 |
Carpenters, joiners, and undertakers |
278 |
Officers of General Government (exclusive of railways) |
267 |
Boot and shoe makers, dealers, and assistants |
246 |
Squatters, graziers |
198 |
Market gardeners, gardeners |
187 |
Blacksmiths, whitesmiths, and assistants |
187 |
Police—Officers, constables, warders |
174 |
Storekeepers, shopkeepers (branch undefined), and assistants |
145 |
Pearlers |
129 |
Hotelkeepers, publicans, billiard markers, barmen, &c. |
106 |
Commercial clerks and travellers |
104 |
Watermen, boatmen, boat proprietors |
103 |
Miners |
102 |
Wheelwrights |
99 |
Ostlers, others engaged about animals |
91 |
Butchers, meat salesmen, and assistants |
79 |
Masons |
72 |
Station managers or overseers |
69 |
Merchants, importers, &c. |
64 |
Church officers, sextons, and others connected with religion |
62 |
Bricklayers |
61 |
Printers, compositors |
57 |
Other indefinite occupations |
53 |
Tailors |
48 |
Bakers |
48 |
Builders |
48 |
Saddle and harness makers, dealers |
47 |
Brickmakers, dealers |
46 |
Clergymen, ministers (all denominations) |
44 |
Painters, paperhangers, plumbers, glaziers |
42 |
Railway servants (guards, pointsmen) |
41 |
Shipbuilders, shipwrights |
36 |
Bank officers, clerks, &c. |
35 |
Millers, flourmill workers |
35 |
Furniture makers, cabinet makers, upholsterers, and dealers |
34 |
House proprietors, householders |
32 |
Store laborers, storemen (not shopmen) |
29 |
Land proprietors |
29 |
Teachers, schoolmasters (Government schools) |
26 |
Fishermen, fishmongers, curers, dealers |
26 |
Engineers, stokers, firemen (undefined) |
26 |
Sons or relatives of squatters assisting on stations |
23 |
Brewers and others engaged in brewing |
23 |
Brokers, land and commission agents, &c. |
22 |
Road, railway laborers, excavators |
22 |
Apprentices (branch undefined) |
21 |
Tin, zinc, galvanized iron workers, dealers |
20 |
Civil engineers, architects, draftsmen, and scientific persons |
19 |
Teachers, school-masters (not stated) |
19 |
Fellmongers, tanners, and curriers |
19 |
Independent means, annuitants, &c. |
19 |
Engineers, stokers, &c., of steamers (merchant service) |
17 |
Iron and brass founders, moulders, workers, dealers |
16 |
Law clerks, bailiffs, &c. |
14 |
Hawkers and other general dealers |
14 |
Plasterers |
14 |
Officers of Local Government (municipalities, school boards, roads boards) |
13 |
Watch and clock makers |
13 |