TABLE II.—SUMMARY showing the OCCUPATIONS of PERSONS of both * SEXEs in each DISTRICT, classified under the following HEADS, at the DATES of CENSUS of 1870 and 1881 respectively (exclusive of Aborigines).
Districts. Totals. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Commerce, Trade, and Manufacture. Mining. Agricultural, Horticultural, and Pastoral pursuits. Laborers (branch of labor unspecified). Domestic Servants. Learned Professions, Fine Arts, Literature, &c. General and Local Government. Maintained at the Public Cost. Miscellaneous Pursuits. Independent Means. Residue of Population.
1870 1881 1870 1881 1870 1881 1870 1881 1870 1881 1870 1881 1870 1881 1870 1881 1870 1881 1870 1881 1870 1881 1870 1881
Blackwood 370 26 95 7 11 2 1 3 225
Fremantle 3,796 4,133 495 758 2 121 117 120 105 128 116 14 53 106 111 812 373 7 46 25 1,993 2,427
Greenough and Irwin 1,557 1,768 88 109 9 3 485 549 30 46 43 34 8 14 15 16 11 2 4 6 1 864 988
Murray 739 833 66 117 3 3 170 120 10 69 18 19 5 6 14 8 48 2 4 10 401 479
The North 172 661 66 192 1 36 163 27 10 50 1 5 6 10 9 2 28 51 176
Perth 5,244 5,822 767 912 4 4 245 277 250 168 378 337 33 134 126 139 361 273 29 57 35 3,051 3,486
Plantagenet 1,651 1,643 228 270 304 257 60 72 64 74 9 24 41 52 80 15 6 11 11 859 857
Sussex 1,054 1,473 146 183 1 204 145 15 69 30 38 9 18 20 12 75 7 3 9 2 552 689
Swan 1,810 1,924 133 181 364 303 37 78 72 59 11 38 34 16 143 25 11 12 8 1,005 1,204
Toodyay 2,514 2,769 162 202 2 619 739 87 70 60 56 57 82 22 22 57 6 4 12 1 1,446 1,577
Victoria 1,386 2,609 125 383 46 84 275 506 29 88 88 98 8 33 26 45 97 36 3 18 8 689 1,310
Wellington 2,296 1,943 262 244 2 1 523 313 31 61 68 40 17 23 33 20 128 15 9 15 5 1,223 1,206
Williams 1,325 137 442 41 23 15 14 2 10 641
York 2,566 2,735 222 281 1 596 737 98 102 96 63 14 35 24 17 80 14 7 9 1,429 1,476
Grand Total of the Colony 24,785 29,708 2,760 3,995 64 102 3,942 4,763 767 1,003 1,055 1,018 186 482 467 483 1892† 779 89 246 96 13,563 16,741