TABLE II.—SUMMARY showing the RELIGIONS of PERSONS, MALES and FEMALES,under and over FOURTEEN YEARS of AGE, and UNSPECIFIED as to AGE, at the DATE of the CENSUS of 1881.
Religious Denomination. Totals. Males. Females.
Total. Under 14 14 and upwards Unspecified. Total. Under 14. 14 and upwards. Unspecified. Total. Under 14. 14 and upwards Unspecified.
Church of England 16,263 5,753 10,481 29 9,573 2,885 6,663 25 6,690 2,868 3,818 4
Roman Catholic 8,413 3,200 5,201 12 4,537 1,621 2,905 11 3,876 1,579 2,296 1
Wesleyan 2,084 844 1,239 1 1,096 436 659 1 988 408 580
Congregational or Independent 1,262 517 745 656 258 398 606 259 347
Presbyterian 1,004 323 677 4 633 160 469 4 371 163 208
Other Religions 329 49 275 5 266 22 239 5 63 27 36
Not Stated 205 18 133 54 181 6 121 54 24 12 12
Object 148 23 125 120 12 108 28 11 17
Grand Total 29,708 10,727 18,876 105 17,062 5,400 11,562 100 12,646 5,327 7,314 5