TABLE IV.—SUMMARY :—Showing the NUMBER of PERSONS of both SEXES at the date of CENSUS, 1881, of FIVE and under FIFTEEN, FIFTEEN and under TWENTY-ONE, TWENTY-ONE years and UPWARDS, and UNSPECIFIED as to AGE ; and the number at those periods of age respectively, who can READ AND WRITE, READ ONLY, and CANNOT READ, in each Municipality and Town in the Colony.
Municipalities or Towns. Total under 5 years. Total of age of 5 and under 15 years. 5 and under 15 Years. Total of Age of 15 and under 21 Years. 15 and under 21 Years. Total of Age of 21 Years and upwards. 21 Years and upwards. Total of Age Unspecified. Age Unspecified.
Read and Write. Read only. Cannot Read. Unspecified. Read and Write. Read only. Cannot Read. Unspecified. Read and Write. Read only. Cannot Read. Unspecified. Read and Write. Read only. Cannot Read. Unspecified.
1881. 1881. 1881. 1881. 1881. 1881. 1881. 1881. 1881. 1881. 1881. 1881. 1881. 1881. 1881. 1881. 1881. 1881.
Albany, Municipality of Males 68 125 80 22 23 53 50 3 303 276 12 15 3 1 2
Females 77 120 80 16 24 71 70 1 204 177 10 17
Beverley, Town of Males 3 9 5 3 1 1 1 20 20
Females 4 7 5 2 6 6 6 5 1
Bridgetown, Town of Males 12 14 11 3 4 4 20 18 2
Females 9 20 17 2 1 6 6 16 14 1 1
Bunbury, Municipality of Males 44 62 38 9 15 31 31 168 156 7 5
Females 56 69 42 11 16 35 35 118 101 9 8
Busselton, Municipality of Males 21 38 26 6 6 13 13 72 63 2 7
Females 30 47 31 13 3 20 20 48 45 2 1
Cossack, Town of Males 5 8 6 1 1 13 9 4 148 113 24 11 23 9 2 12
Females 8 3 2 1 3 3 18 15 1 2
Fremantle, Municipality of Males 245 450 294 71 85 185 172 4 9 1,087 901 84 102
Females 246 445 302 79 64 233 219 10 4 749 322 70 57 1 1
Geraldton, Municipality of Males 64 109 69 17 23 31 30 1 271 244 5 18 4 8 1 7
Females 90 114 76 23 15 59 57 1 1 165 138 13 14
Gingin, Town of Males 14 17 13 1 3 2 2 18 15 1 2
Females 8 14 7 6 1 8 8 16 12 2 2
Guildford, Municipality of Males 47 80 60 11 9 27 26 1 125 113 6 4 2
Females 37 59 43 6 9 1 39 39 115 97 12 4 2
Kojonup, Town of Males 9 7 4 3 10 10 30 30
Females 5 11 4 4 3 3 3 19 16 1 2
Newcastle, Municipality of Males 17 24 19 4 1 11 11 63 48 1 14
Females 14 20 14 3 3 15 14 1 44 40 4
Northam, Municipality of Males 16 46 32 10 4 14 14 57 52 3 2 1 1
Females 25 35 28 6 1 15 14 1 43 31 5 7
Northampton, Town of Males 15 10 7 3 6 6 38 30 2 5 1
Females 12 18 11 4 3 11 9 2 26 19 5 2
Perth, City of Males 337 621 431 80 110 285 279 6 1,235 1,068 55 112 1 1
Females 337 749 526 87 136 380 371 3 6 1,099 890 97 112
Pinjarra, Town of Males 9 15 9 2 3 1 9 8 1 24 22 2
Females 5 10 8 2 6 6 17 14 1 2
Roebourne, Town of Males 10 10 5 4 1 7 6 1 40 34 5 1 9 9
Females 5 13 10 1 2 3 3 16 14 1 1
York, Municipality of Males 45 86 47 24 15 49 43 4 2 250 198 24 28 3 3
Females 53 75 50 13 12 56 53 1 2 140 110 14 16
Total Males 981 1,731 1,156 271 303 1 751 715 10 25 1 3,969 3,401 202 347 19 48 15 12 21
Females 1,021 1,829 1,256 279 293 1 969 936 16 16 1 2,859 2,360 249 248 2 1 1