TABLE I.—SUMMARY showing the NUMBER of PERSONS of both SEXES and of all AGES, in each DISTRICT of the COLONY, who could READ and WRITE, READ ONLY, and COULD NOT READ, at date of CENSUS 1881 (exclusive of Aborigines).
District. Population of all Ages. Read and Write. Read only. Could not Read. Unspecified.
Total. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females.
Blackwood 370 211 159 149 111 13 10 49 38
Fremantle 4,133 2,264 1,869 1,559 1,258 178 180 527 431
Greenough and Irwin 1,768 1,052 716 657 440 82 68 281 179 32 29
Murray 833 501 332 348 202 27 29 120 99 6 2
The North 661 542 119 395 76 8 8 81 34 58 1
Perth 5,822 2,981 2,841 2,093 1,937 185 213 703 691
Plantagenet 1,643 992 651 717 442 66 45 193 164 16
Sussex 1,173 661 512 463 323 44 50 154 139
Swan 1,924 1,070 854 693 525 76 84 285 239 16 6
Toodyay 2,769 1,610 1,159 1,051 692 146 107 413 360
Victoria 2,609 1,634 975 1,066 545 114 112 414 306 40 12
Wellington 1,943 1,065 878 732 538 89 93 240 247 4
Williams 1,325 844 481 578 283 53 46 213 152
York 2,735 1,635 1,100 1,015 649 168 118 452 333
Grand Total of Colony 29,708 17,062 12,646 11,516 8,021 1,249 1,163 4,125 3,412 172 50