TABLE III.—SHOWING the NUMBER of UNMARRIED, MARRIED, and WIDOWED of each SEX in each DISTRCT of the COLONY, of all AGES, under FIFTEEN YEARS, and FIFTEEN YEARS and upwards, at the date of the CENSUS of 1870 and 1881 (exclusive of Aborigines).
District. All Ages. Under 15 Years. Age of 15 years and upwards.
Persons. Unmarried. Married. Unmarried. Married. Widowed. Unspecified.
Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Bachelors. Spinsters. Husbands. Wives. Widowers. Widows. Males.
1870. 1881. 1870. 1881. 1870. 1881. 1870. 1881. 1870. 1881. 1870. 1881. 1870. 1881. 1870. 1881. 1870. 1881. 1870. 1881. 1870. 1881. 1870. 1881. 1870.
Blackwood 211 159 68 80 92 34 47 43 4 2
Fremantle 2,341 2,264 1,455 1,869 626 797 655 789 579 731 271 353 543 655 520 635 10 81 9 92 583
Greenough and Irwin 970 1,052 587 716 302 385 311 328 433 381 56 144 233 253 215 223 2 33 5 21
Murray 497 501 242 332 155 176 118 157 199 188 47 53 96 125 75 112 2 12 2 10 45
The North 143 542 29 119 18 62 8 56 101 370 7 11 20 99 13 50 4 11 1 2
Perth 3,007 2,981 2,237 2,841 1,007 1,158 973 1,209 892 869 378 622 827 845 805 856 44 109 81 154 237
Plantagenet 1,064 992 587 651 295 283 273 272 479 436 98 147 213 235 207 193 11 38 9 39 66
Sussex 689 661 365 512 203 224 200 256 295 261 57 94 108 162 101 151 9 14 7 11 74
Swan 1,114 1,070 696 854 345 453 357 386 400 326 101 167 223 259 218 262 10 32 20 39 136
Toodyay 1,584 1,610 930 1,159 487 548 491 524 673 628 125 227 363 394 308 372 19 40 6 26 42
Victoria 892 1,634 494 975 244 452 257 481 364 767 45 144 188 359 188 316 7 56 4 34 89
Wellington 1,470 1,065 826 878 420 395 621 404 1 632 375 124 183 270 275 264 258 23 20 17 32 125
Williams 844 481 229 234 409 93 186 141 20 13
York 1,604 1,635 962 1,100 512 520 479 475 635 665 134 229 370 381 333 363 14 69 16 33 73
Grand Total of Colony 15,375 17,062 9,410 12,646 4,614 5,750 4,543 5,661 1 5,632 6,498 1,443 2,501 3,454 4,275 3,247 3,975 155 539 177 508 1,470