TABLE I.—SHOWING the NUMBER of UNMARRIED, MARRIED, and WIDOWED of each SEX, at QUINQUENNIAL PERIODS of AGE, from FIFTEEN YEARS of AGE, in the undermentioned DIVISIONS of the COLONY (exclusive of Aborigines), at the date of CENSUS, 1881.
Persons. Married. Unmarried. Widowed. Persons. Married. Unmarried. Widowed. Persons. Married. Unmarried. Widowed. Persons. Married. Unmarried. Widowed. Persons. Married. Unmarried. Widowed.
All Ages Males 17,062 4,275 12,248 539 2,479 724 1,654 101 4,412 1,246 3,020 146 589 149 425 15 9,582 2,156 7,149 277
Females 12,646 3,976 8,162 508 2,565 754 1,666 145 3,782 1,210 2,365 207 332 121 202 9 5,967 1,891 3,929 147
Under 15 years Males 5,750 5,750 958 958 1,587 1,587 167 167 3,038 3,038
Females 5,662 1 5,661 1,086 1,086 1,612 1,612 152 152 2,812 1 2,811
15 years and upwards Males 11,312 4,275 6,498 539 1,521 724 696 101 2,825 1,246 1,433 146 422 149 258 15 6,544 2,156 4,111 277
Females 6,984 3,975 2,501 508 1,479 754 580 145 2,170 1,210 753 207 180 121 50 9 3,155 1,890 1,118 147
15 and under 21 years Males 1,794 15 1,779 285 2 283 414 7 407 52 52 1,043 6 1,037
Females 1,832 203 1,624 2 380 19 361 543 67 474 2 46 10 36 863 110 753
21 years and upwards Males 9,518 4,260 4,719 539 1,236 722 413 101 2,411 1,239 1,026 146 370 149 206 15 5,501 2,150 3,074 277
Females 5,152 3,769 877 506 1,099 735 219 145 1,627 1,143 279 205 134 111 14 9 2,292 1,780 365 147
21 and under 25 years Males 1,097 175 921 1 136 29 107 256 57 198 1 40 5 35 665 84 581
Females 937 462 469 6 191 71 119 1 289 145 143 1 24 17 7 433 229 200 4
25 and under 30 years Males 1,102 438 658 6 138 80 55 3 311 149 166 2 64 21 43 589 188 400 1
Females 849 624 211 14 170 124 45 1 266 193 68 5 31 25 5 1 382 282 93 7
30 and under 35 years Males 830 460 355 15 113 78 32 3 194 119 72 3 48 25 23 475 238 228 9
Females 685 583 70 32 125 107 11 7 224 183 27 14 21 19 1 1 315 274 31 10
35 and under 40 years Males 1,036 567 443 26 110 76 31 3 266 163 96 7 48 28 18 2 612 300 298 14
Females 648 554 42 52 136 106 16 14 217 185 8 24 20 19 1 275 244 18 13
40 and under 45 years Males 1,155 557 550 48 139 94 38 7 298 166 120 12 39 22 16 1 679 275 376 28
Females 616 524 40 52 149 118 14 17 172 137 15 20 14 11 1 2 281 258 10 13
45 and under 50 years Males 1,232 631 536 65 115 85 22 8 322 185 120 17 35 22 11 2 760 339 383 38
Females 494 415 15 64 107 79 6 22 142 114 5 23 9 8 1 236 214 4 18
50 and under 55 years Males 1,114 547 502 65 137 86 40 11 266 144 104 18 18 11 5 2 693 306 353 34
Females 323 258 8 57 71 50 2 19 107 82 4 21 6 6 139 120 2 17
55 and under 60 years Males 698 356 284 58 112 83 22 7 181 102 65 14 26 8 14 4 379 163 183 33
Females 216 142 8 66 51 29 5 17 69 38 2 29 6 3 3 90 72 1 17
60 and under 65 years Males 595 268 227 100 86 51 20 15 167 89 47 31 15 5 9 1 327 123 151 53
Females 187 119 7 61 48 30 18 71 38 5 28 3 3 65 48 2 15
65 and under 70 years Males 262 129 80 53 55 29 16 10 63 30 17 16 1 1 143 70 46 27
Females 94 49 3 42 23 9 14 37 18 2 17 34 22 1 11
70 and under 75 years Males 182 80 51 51 52 21 17 14 53 23 13 17 4 1 1 2 73 35 20 18
Females 59 28 2 29 19 10 1 8 15 5 10 25 13 1 11
75 and under 80 years Males 75 27 15 33 29 6 8 15 11 6 1 4 35 15 6 14
Females 25 6 19 6 1 5 10 4 6 9 1 8
80 years and upwards Males 40 15 9 16 13 4 4 5 8 5 1 4 19 8 4 7
Females 14 2 12 3 1 2 7 7 4 1 3
Unspecified Males 100 10 88 2 1 1 15 3 12 32 1 30 1 52 6 45 1
Females 5 3 2 1 1 4 2 2