TABLE II.—RETURN showing the NUMBER of PERSONS, MALES and FEMALES, at, above, and under each year of AGE, in WESTERN AUSTRALIA, at date of CENSUS, 1881 (exclusive of Aborigines).—Continued.
Age. Population at each Year of Age. Population at and above each Year of Age. Population at and under each Year of Age.
Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females.
64 108 75 33 859 634 225 28,852 16,403 12,449
65 117 96 21 751 559 192 28,969 16,499 12,470
66 75 49 26 634 463 171 29,044 16,548 12,496
67 56 39 17 559 414 145 29,100 16,587 12,513
68 66 49 17 503 375 128 29,166 16,636 12,530
69 42 29 13 437 326 111 29,208 16,665 12,543
70 75 55 20 395 297 98 29,283 16,720 12,563
71 54 47 7 320 242 78 29,337 16,767 12,570
72 40 32 8 266 195 71 29,377 16,799 12,578
73 39 27 12 226 163 63 29,416 16,826 12,590
74 33 21 12 187 136 51 29,449 16,847 12,602
75 34 24 10 154 115 39 29,483 16,871 12,612
76 18 12 6 120 91 29 29,501 16,883 12,618
77 14 11 3 102 79 23 29,515 16,894 12,621
78 20 18 2 88 68 20 29,535 16,912 12,623
79 14 10 4 68 50 18 29,549 16,922 12,627
80 20 15 5 54 40 14 29,569 16,937 12,632
81 6 4 2 34 25 9 29,575 16,941 12,634
82 5 3 2 28 21 7 29,580 16,944 12,636
83 6 3 3 23 18 5 29,586 16,947 12,639
84 6 6 17 15 2 29,592 16,953 12,639
85 4 4 11 9 2 29,596 16,957 12,639
86 1 1 7 5 2 29,597 16,957 12,640
87 1 1 6 5 1 29,598 16,957 12,641
88 1 1 5 5 29,599 16,958 12,641
89 1 1 4 4 29,600 16,959 12,641
90 2 2 3 3 29,602 16,961 12,641
91 1 1 1 1 29,603 16,962 12,641
Unspecified 105 100 5