Item No. Page.
Agriculture 22 128
Average of Produce per Acre 22 128
Births 2 127
Bridges 32 131
Cities and Towns 34 131
Crops 22 128
Deaths 3 127
Debt, Public 28 130
Ecclesiastical Services—Expenditure upon 33 131
Education 36 131
Electric Telegraphs 29 130
Emigration 6 127
Expenditure 9 127
Exports—Value of 11 127
Exports—Value per head of population 13 127
Horses 25 130
Lead Ore 25 130
Pearls 25 130
Pearl Shells 25 130
Sandalwood 25 130
Timber 25 130
Wool 25 130
Immigration 5 127
Immigration—Expenditure upon 7 127
Imports—Value of 10 127
Imports—Value per head of population 12 127
Imports and Exports—Value per head of population 11 127
Apparel and Slops 24 129
Beer (bottled) 24 129
Beer (draught) 24 129
Bacon and Hams 24 129
Boots and Shoes 24 129
Brandy 24 129
Butter 24 129
Cheese 24 129
Flour 24 129
Gin 24 129
Oilman Stores 24 129
Potatoes 24 129
Rum 24 129
Sugar 24 129
Tea 24 129
Tobacco (manufactured) 24 129
Tobacco (unmanufactured) 24 129
Whiskey 24 129
Wine 24 129
Land—Cultivated 21 128
Land Revenue—(Not including Land Sales) 18 128
Land Sales—Amount realised for 17 128
Leases and Licenses in Force—(Not including Mining Licenses and Free Runs 19 128
Licenses—Mining 20 128
Live Stock 23 128
Loans 27 130
Marriages 4 127
Mines 35 131
Population 1 127
Postal Department 30 131
Public Debt 28 130
Public Works—Expenditure upon 31 131
Railways 37 131
Revenue 8 127
Roads and Bridges—Expenditure upon 32 131
Savings Banks 26 130
Shipping—Inwards 15 127
Shipping—Outwards 16 128
Telegraphs 29 130
Towns and Cities 34 131