Wheat. Barley. Oats. Eye. Beans and other Pulse. Hay and green crop. Fallow. Cleared land ready for cultivation. Kitchen Garden. Potatoes. Onions. Vineyard. Produce of Vineyard last Vintage. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Pigs. Goats. Number of Cattle sold and consumed during the year 1880. Number of Sheep sold and consumed during the year 1880. Salt Pork, Bacon, and Hams sold and consumed during the year 1880, in pounds. Other stock (state kinds). Poultry (state kinds). Number, Name, Situation, and Description of the Mines and Quarries. Name of the Mineral Substances. Quantity produced and Value in Sterling in 1880.
Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Wine in Gallons. Dried Fruit in Pounds.
50 25 30 1 100 200 20 2 5 4 200 300 60 150 10,000 5 2 25 1,000 1,000 Mules 2 Asses 5 Fowls 60 Geese 10 Ducks 30 Narra Tarra Wheat Ellen Copper Lead Ore Not working 100 tons, £1200