TABLE II.—SUMMARY showing the LIVE STOCK in each DISTRICT of the COLONY, at the DATE of the CENSUS of 1870 and of 1881, together with the NUMERICAL INCREASE or DECREASE.
District. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Pigs. Goats.
1869 1880 Increase. Decrease. 1869 1880 Increase. Decrease. 1869 1880 Increase. Decrease. 1869 1880 Increase. Decrease. 1869 1880 Increase. Decrease.
Blackwood 757 757 5,305 5,305 23,981 23,981 360 360 2 2
Fremantle 477 960 481 1,263 1,751 488 2,830 1,329 1,501 655 640 15 55 94 39
Greenough & Irwin 1,763 2,532 769 4,523 4,475 48 52,295 88,934 36,639 2,469 4,402 1,933 530 814 284
Murray 1,256 1,610 354 3,340 3,717 377 11,532 8,510 3,022 786 865 79 340 425 85
The North 376 3,279 2,903 530 8,257 7,727 51,640 286,922 235,282 2 300 298 52 838 786
Perth 1,317 1,239 78 2,798 2,482 316 6,021 3,723 2,298 1,525 1,550 25 1,070 317 753
Plantagenet 1,678 1,626 52 996 3,379 2,383 93,314 104,238 10,921 609 588 21 68 78 10
Sussex 1,482 1,604 122 7,162 7,336 174 20,933 2,401 18,532 612 626 14 55 1 54
Swan 2,331 3,172 811 4,489 6,348 1,859 12,915 17,693 4,778 1,181 2,059 878 721 357 364
Toodyay 5,039 4,999 40 5,854 4,430 1,424 123,517 123,794 277 3,794 6,020 2,226 483 1,335 852
Victoria 1,724 3,330 1,606 4,448 4,164 284 90,690 260,741 170,051 777 937 160 793 1,627 834
Wellington 2,689 3,345 656 9,762 9,196 566 69,953 14,545 55,408 1,193 1,253 60 48 522 474
Williams 2,619 2,619 1,703 1,703 139,283 139,283 1,639 1,639 146 146
York 2,878 3,710 832 2,098 2,060 38 118,414 144,985 26,571 2,517 5,504 2,987 219 245 26
Total 23,012 34,782 11,940 170 47,263 64,603 20,016 2,676 654,054 1,221,079 647,786 80,761 16,120 26,743 10,659 36 4,434 6,801 3,538 1,171