TABLE II.—SUMMARY by DISTRICTS :—Showing the QUANTITY of LAND UNDER and PREPARED for CULTIVATION in each DISTRICT of the COLONY during the YEARS 1869 and 1880, with the INCREASE and DECREASE thereof ; also the PRODUCE of the VINTAGE during the SAME PERIODS, and the CORRESPONDING INCREASE or DECREASE.
Acreage under and prepared for Cultivation. Total.
Fellow. Cleared. Kitchen Garden. Potatoes. Onions. Vineyard.
1869 1880 Increase. Decrease. 1869 1880 Increase. Decrease. 1869 1880 Increase. Decrease. 1869 1880 Increase. Decrease. 1869 1880 Increase. Decrease. 1869 1880 Increase. Decrease. 1869 1880 Increase. Decrease.
37 37 1,243 1,243 39 39 23 23 39 39 2,073 2,073
74 135 61 418 522 104 76 71 5 15 8 7 3 2 1 67 70 3 1,188 1,238 50
2,026 2,962 939 11,472 16,886 5,414 58 69 11 13 14 1 1 1 16 26 10 28,763 36,929 8,166
196 44 152 1,295 1,009 196 61 49 12 16 18 2 1 1 64 58 6 3,181 2,121 1,060
2 2 2 2
88 234 146 1,211 961 250 203 205 2 92 68 24 9 6 3 112 47 65 2,827 2,363 464
127 74 53 1,089 886 206 67 67 42 30 12 2 2 4 2 2 2,828 1,737 1,091
159 40 90 1,770 2,230 460 52 55 3 92 72 20 1 1 47 26 21 3,557 3,394 163
217 225 8 2,249 6,379 4,130 92 98 6 30 29 1 1 1 186 139 47 6,780 10,890 4,110
741 2,261 1,520 11,987 13,690 1,703 114 141 27 20 18 2 2 4 2 74 111 37 21,676 28,620 6,944
181 64 117 2,382 2,861 479 39 78 39 6 10 4 1 1 9 10 1 4,694 5,425 731
306 103 203 4,337 4,300 37 112 104 8 242 135 107 5 5 112 61 51 9,297 7,557 1,740
412 412 5,352 5,352 54 54 2 2 10 10 9,909 9,909
542 24 518 7,697 9,275 1,578 66 100 34 2 9 7 1 1 34 65 31 15,986 20,862 4,876
4,625 6,615 3,123 1,133 45,907 65,684 20,463 686 940 1,132 217 25 570 436 39 173 26 22 3 7 725 664 131 192 100,777 133,120 36,861 4,518