TABLE II.—SUMMARY by DISTRICTS:—Showing the QUANTITY of LAND UNDER and PREPARED for CULTIVATION in each DISTRICT of the COLONY during the YEARS 1869 and 1880, with the INCREASE and DECREASE thereof ; also the PRODUCE of the VINTAGE during the SAME PERIODS, and the CORRESPONDING INCREASE or DECREASE.
Districts. Produce of Vintage.
Wine (in gallons.) Dried Fruit (in lbs.)
1869 1880 Increase. Decrease. 1869 1880 Increase. Decrease.
Blackwood 295 295 2,199 2,199
Fremantle 1,435 1,914 479 3,176 6,307 3,161
Greenough & Irwin 50 485 535 500 764 264
Murray 1,451 1,693 239 3,753 1,700 1,993
The North
Perth 5,201 2,583 2,818 2,953 2,897 7,056
Plantagenet 38 38 150 700 550
Sussex 1,028 240 798 12 1,137 152
Swan 9,410 10,714 1,304 9,742 9,680 62
Toodyay 3,976 7,856 3,880 4,298 11,964 7,666
Victoria 60 60 1,050 1,050
Wellington 4,813 405 4,408 7,701 4,461 3,240
Williams 317 317
York 1,668 1,951 288 2,818 2,662 156
Total 29,968 28,286 7,080 7,862 13,350 45,898 15,207 12,659