TABLE I.—SUMMARY by DISTRICTS :—Showing the LAND under CULTIVATION during the YEAR 1880, also the NUMBER of ACRES CLEARED and lying FALLOW, and the PRODUCE of the LAST VINTAGE.
Districts. Wheat. Barley. Oats. Rye. Beans, etc. Hay. Fallow. Cleared. Kitchen Garden. Potatoes. Onions. Vineyard. Wine. Fruit (Dried).
Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Gallons.
Blackwood 341 46 65 3 237 37 1,243 39 23 39 295 2,199
Fremantle 30 86 18 65 1 230 135 522 71 8 2 70 1,914 6,307
Greenough & Irwin 11,182 2,677 293 5 6 2,808 2,962 16,886 69 11 1 26 585 764
Murray 284 32 90 38 3 405 44 1,099 49 18 1 58 1,693 1,760
The North 2
Perth 105 20 31 75 13 598 234 961 205 68 6 47 2,583 2,897
Plantagenet 89 61 12 2 514 74 886 67 30 2 700
Sussex 120 17 25 294 4 510 40 2,230 55 72 1 26 230 1,137
Swan 1,530 136 128 142 1 2,082 225 6,379 98 29 1 139 10,714 9,680
Toodyay 6,935 1,369 440 30 6 3,615 2,261 13,690 141 18 4 111 7,856 11,964
Victoria 988 247 132 1,035 64 2,861 78 10 10 60 1,050
Wellington 1,137 119 210 149 12 1,222 103 4,300 104 135 5 61 405 4,461
Williams 1,225 566 63 12 2,213 442 5,352 54 2 10 317
York 5,386 1,283 183 29 8 4,499 24 9,275 100 9 1 65 1,951 2,662
Grand Total of the Colony 29,352 6,659 1,690 839 59 19,968 6,615 65,684 1,132 436 22 664 23,286 45,898