TABLE III.—SHOWING the CONDITION of ADULT MALES in each DISTRICT of the COLONY on the 3rd APRIL, 1881 (exclusive of Aborigines).
Districts. Total. Free. Pensioners. Conditional Pardon. Ticket of Leave. Prisoners.
Blackwood 121 116 2 3
Fremantle 1,252 988 80 19 30 136
Greenough and Irwin 540 520 2 11 7
Murray 265 239 1 3 21 1
The North 381 380 1
Perth 1,484 1,298 67 18 42 59
Plantagenet 596 577 4 4 3 8
Sussex 362 337 5 15 5
Swan 506 462 2 10 9 23
Toodyay 894 860 6 9 19
Victoria 1,031 964 3 12 32 20
Wellington 551 516 8 5 15 7
Williams 528 507 2 5 14
York 907 862 2 13 29 1
Total 9,418 8,626 177 117 239 259