TABLE II.—SHOWING the NUMBER of MALES and FEMALES, SICK and INFIRM, in each MUNICIPALITY and TOWN of the COLONY, on the 3rd APRIL, 1881 (exclusive of Aborigines).
Municipalities and Towns. Total. Sick. Deaf. Deaf and Dumb. Blind. Crippled or Malmed. Lunatic or Idiot.
Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females.
Albany, Municipality of 20 4 13 3
Beverley, Town of
Bridgetown, Town of 4 1 1 2
Bunbury, Municipality of 18 10 5 1 2
Busselton, Municipality of 5 3 1 1
Cossack, Town of 3 1 1 1
Fremantle, Municipality of 215 56 10 2 1 13 1 18 1 78 35
Geraldton, Municipality of 24 10 3 1 1 2 6 1
Gingin, Town of 6 2 4
Guildford, Municipality of 9 3 4 1 1
Kojonup, Town of 3 1 1 1
Newcastle, Municipality of 6 5 1
Northam, Municipality of 2 2
Northampton, Town of 1 1
Perth, City of 171 89 56 4 1 1 8 10 2
Pinjarra, Town of 2 1 1
Roebourne, Town of
York, Municipality of 20 12 5 2 1
Total 509 199 105 7 2 4 27 3 44 4 79 35