Population of the Colony inclusive and exclusive of aborigines in service 4 25
Population at date of each Census since 1848 25
Population compared with estimated number 4
Population in each District of the Colony 26
Population in each Municipality and Town 26
Population to the square mile 6
Dwellings in the Colony 7
Dwellings in each District 27
Dwellings in each Municipality and Town 28
Dwellings Materials of 7
Persons to a dwelling 7
Towns containing over 500 people 7
Inhabitants in each District, Censuses 1870-1881 29
Inhabitants in Districts and Towns 30
Inhabitants in Municipalities 31
Area of Municipalities 31
Assessed annual value of property in Municipalities 31
Aborigines in service in Districts and Towns 32
Number of Persons who recorded their ages 8 33
Number of Persons at, above, and under each year of age 34
Number of Persons in each District of the Colony at various age periods 36
Number of Persons in each Municipality and Town at various age periods 38
Number of Persons under 21 years of age 8
Number of Persons under 21 years of age 8
Number of Persons at " supporting periods of age" 9
Number of Persons at " supporting periods of age," compared with other Colonies 9
Percentage of Males and Females at each age, to whole Population 40
Percentage of Married, Unmarried, and Widowed at each age, to whole Population 40
Percentage of Males and Females at each age, to the Male and Female Population 40
Percentage of Males and Females at each age, to Male and Female Population under and above 21 years of age 40