Population of the Colony inclusive and exclusive of aborigines in service |
4 |
25 |
Population at date of each Census since 1848 |
25 |
Population compared with estimated number |
4 |
Population in each District of the Colony |
26 |
Population in each Municipality and Town |
26 |
Population to the square mile |
6 |
Dwellings in the Colony |
7 |
Dwellings in each District |
27 |
Dwellings in each Municipality and Town |
28 |
Dwellings Materials of |
7 |
Persons to a dwelling |
7 |
Towns containing over 500 people |
7 |
Inhabitants in each District, Censuses 1870-1881 |
29 |
Inhabitants in Districts and Towns |
30 |
Inhabitants in Municipalities |
31 |
Area of Municipalities |
31 |
Assessed annual value of property in Municipalities |
31 |
Aborigines in service in Districts and Towns |
32 |
Number of Persons who recorded their ages |
8 |
33 |
Number of Persons at, above, and under each year of age |
34 |
Number of Persons in each District of the Colony at various age periods |
36 |
Number of Persons in each Municipality and Town at various age periods |
38 |
Number of Persons under 21 years of age |
8 |
Number of Persons under 21 years of age |
8 |
Number of Persons at " supporting periods of age" |
9 |
Number of Persons at " supporting periods of age," compared with other Colonies |
9 |
Percentage of Males and Females at each age, to whole Population |
40 |
Percentage of Married, Unmarried, and Widowed at each age, to whole Population |
40 |
Percentage of Males and Females at each age, to the Male and Female Population |
40 |
Percentage of Males and Females at each age, to Male and Female Population under and above 21 years of age |
40 |