TABLE No. 30.—Return of Lands granted by the Crown in Fee Simple, in the various Districts of the Colony, from its first Settlement to the 31st of December, 1869. also, of all Lands occupied by Lease or other Tenure, under the Land Regulations of Western Australia, on the 31st of December, 1869.
DISTRICT. NO. OF GRANTS. Lands granted in Fee, in right of Location Duties performed. NO. OF GRANTS. Lands Purchased. NO. OF GRANTS. Lands held in Occupancy. NO. OF LICENSES. Class A Lands held under annual License, for Pastoral Purposes. NO. OF LEASES. Class B Lands held under 8 years' Leases for Pastoral Purposes. NO. OF LEASES. Lands held under 8 years' Leases for Tillage Purposes. Total No. of Grants, Leases, &c. Total No. of Acres.
Avon 111 357970½ 556 67,220 1 2 335 1,337,759 103 643,621 160 16,309 1,276 2422881½
Canning 36 51813¾ 36 1,991 25 63,515 11 1,120 108 118439¾
Cockburn Sound 15 250,142 120 4970½ 6 14½ 31 62,178 3 300 175 317,605
Kent 17 748 6 14,150 28 215,200 51 230,098
Kojonup 1 667 55 22,828 1 475½ 12 25,899 63 462,284 15 1,600 147 513753½
Murchison 13 320 7 58,855 20 59,175
Hay 21 920 5 10,721 64 580,175 3 300 93 592,116
Plantagenet 28 54,569 123 13799¼ 34 67,972 81 672,160 7 700 273 809200¼
Melbourne 2 2,760 204 10816¾ 2 71 97 749,000 46 5,613 351 768260¾
Nelson 1 40 83 3,366 49 307,978 94 1,069,503 13 1,418 240 1,382,305
Wellington 21 221,177 264 34012 3 9 108 419,560 33 3,320 429 678078
Sussex 14 46881½ 96 5,309 1 4 54 162,891 3 30,000 13 1,300 181 246385½
Swan 136 102,579 414 28802¼ 153 571,354 76 8,450 779 711185¼
Helena 12 9,823 3 687 15 10,510
Victoria 22 371¾ 667 45,829 2 170 1,066,518 86 732,820 347 41,728 1,294 1887269¼
Murray 13 27635½ 61 6,323 1 3 51 142,230 6 700 132 176891½
Williams 14 63,827 48 2208½ 113 358,899 42 281,300 62 6,250 279 712484½
Lakes 17 9875½ 17 4,060 34 13935½
Interior 9 3,371 9 3,371
Totals 443 1200132½ 2,817 257581 17 581½ 1,243 5,360,624 571 4,745,918 795 89,108 5,886 11653945