TABLE No. 23., Total Number, Tonnage, and Crews of Vessels Entered at each Port in the Colony of Western Australia, from 1860 to 1869.
With Cargoes. In Ballast. Total. With Cargoes. In Ballast. Total. With Cargoes. In Ballast. Total.
Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews.
Albany 47 28,268 3,958 4 2,673 112 51 30,941 4,070 3 987 92 1 1,088 24 4 2,075 116 50 29,255 4,050 5 3,761 136 55 33,016 4,186
Bunbury 3 742 81 3 742 81 3 742 81 3 742 81
Champion Bay 3 819 33 3 819 33 3 819 33 3 819 33
Fremantle 36 11,193 447 1 1,070 85 37 12,263 532 4 1,397 48 1 224 11 5 1,621 59 40 12,590 495 2 1,294 96 42 13,884 591
Camden Harbor 3 372 29 3 372 29 3 372 29 3 372 29
Vasse 8 2,570 96 8 2,570 96 3 1,008 66 3 1,008 66 11 3,578 162 11 3,578 162
Totals 97 43,222 4,563 5 3,743 197 102 46,965 4,760 13 4,134 287 2 1,312 35 15 5,446 322 110 47,356 4,850 7 5,055 232 117 52,411 5,082
Albany 48 28,533 3,743 1 878 25 49 29,411 3,768 2 1,755 40 13 10,434 325 15 12,189 365 50 30,288 3,783 14 11,312 350 64 41,600 4,133
Bunbury 3 935 92 3 935 92 3 935 92 3 935 92
Champion Bay 3 1,509 59 3 1,509 59 3 1,509 59 3 1,509 59
Fremantle 35 9,366 370 2 1,140 30 37 10,506 400 1 196 9 1 350 34 2 546 43 36 9,562 379 3 1,490 64 39 11,052 443
Port Walcott 1 414 10 1 414 10 1 414 10 1 414 10
Vasse 3 602 25 3 602 25 1 305 29 1 305 29 3 602 25 1 305 29 4 907 54
Totals 89 40,010 4,197 4 2,432 65 93 42,442 4,262 3 1,951 49 18 12,024 480 21 13,975 529 92 41,961 4,246 22 14,456 545 114 56,417 4,791
Albany 52 31,435 3,680 1 1,266 21 53 32,701 3,701 10 2,671 279 2 1,682 36 12 4,353 315 62 34,106 3,959 3 2,948 57 65 37,054 4,016
Bunbury 1 1,060 27 1 1,060 27 7 1,862 207 7 1,862 207 8 2,921 234 8 2,922 234
Champion Bay 2 487 18 2 487 18 2 487 18 2 487 18
Fremantle 29 7,731 318 1 1,199 41 30 8,930 359 29 7,731 318 1 1,199 41 30 8,930 359
Port Walcott 2 1,034 31 2 1,034 31 2 1,034 31 2 1,034 31
Vasse 3 650 53 3 650 5 3 650 53 3 650 53
Totals 84 40,713 4,043 4 3,499 93 88 44,212 4,136 20 5,183 539 2 1,682 36 22 6,865 575 104 45,896 4,582 6 5,181 129 110 51,017 4,711
Albany 54 31,623 3,904 2 3,486 60 56 35,109 3,964 13 3,642 357 2 2,360 48 15 6,002 405 67 35,265 4,261 4 5,846 108 71 41,111 4,369
Bunbury 5 1,249 139 5 1,249 139 5 1,249 139 5 1,249 139
Champion Bay 6 2,210 91 6 2,210 91 6 2,210 91 6 2,210 91
Fremantle 30 7,207 290 30 7,207 290 30 7,207 290 30 7,207 290
Port Walcott
Vasse 2 418 53 2 418 53 2 418 53 2 418 53
Totals 90 41,040 4,285 2 3,486 60 92 44,526 4,345 20 5,309 549 2 2,360 48 22 7,669 597 110 46,349 4,834 4 5,846 108 114 52,195 4,942
Albany 47 37,201 3,833 5 3,818 75 50 41,019 3,908 10 2,422 255 10 2,422 255 57 39,623 4,088 3 3,818 75 60 43,441 4,163
Bunbury 2 398 17 2 398 17 3 601 80 3 601 80 5 999 97 5 999 97
Champion Bay 5 1,986 75 5 1,986 75 5 1,986 75 5 1,986 75
Fremantle 56 17,068 621 56 17,068 621 1 477 12 1 477 12 56 17,068 621 1 477 12 57 17,545 633
Port Walcott
Vasse 6 1,395 50 6 1,395 50 2 446 54 2 446 54 8 1,841 104 8 1,841 104
Totals 116 58,048 4,596 3 3,818 75 119 61,866 4,671 15 3,469 389 1 477 12 16 3,946 401 131 61,517 4,985 4 4,295 87 135 65,812 5,072