TABLE No. 22., Total Number, Tonnage, and Crews of Vessels Entered at each Port in the Colony of Western Australia, from 1860 to 1869.
With Cargoes. In Ballast. Total. With Cargoes. In Ballast. Total. With Cargoes. In Ballast. Total.
Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews.
Albany 46 28,146 4,351 1 130 20 47 28,276 4,371 5 3,651 127 5 3,651 127 51 31,797 4,478 1 130 20 52 31,927 4,498
Bunbury 2 526 43 2 526 43 2 526 43 2 526 43
Champion Bay
Fremantle 28 8,972 388 5 1,797 80 33 10,739 468 2 585 25 3 1,245 39 5 1,830 61 30 9,557 410 8 3,042 119 38 12,599 529
Port Walcott
Vasse 2 378 17 2 378 17 2 542 49 2 542 49 2 542 49 2 378 17 4 920 66
Totals 74 37,118 4,739 8 2,305 117 82 39,423 4,856 11 5,304 241 3 1,245 39 14 6,549 280 85 42,422 4,980 11 3,550 156 96 45,972 5,136
Albany 49 31,016 4,036 2 685 38 51 31,701 4,074 3 1,838 91 3 1,838 91 52 32,854 4,127 2 685 38 54 33,539 4,165
Bunbury 2 375 52 2 375 52 2 375 52 2 375 52
Champion Bay 1 573 17 1 573 17 1 573 17 1 573 17
Fremantle 31 8,608 364 11 4,261 199 42 12,869 563 2 700 23 2 450 21 4 1,150 44 33 9,308 387 13 4,711 220 46 14,019 607
Port Walcott 2 214 18 1 158 11 3 372 29 2 214 18 1 158 11 3 372 29
Vasse 3 623 26 2 995 28 5 1,618 54 4 1,245 119 4 1,245 119 7 1,868 145 2 995 28 9 2,863 173
Totals 85 40,461 4,444 17 6,672 293 102 47,133 4,737 11 4,158 285 2 450 21 13 4,608 306 96 44,619 4,720 19 7,122 314 115 51,741 5,043
Albany 50 29,652 3,775 50 39,652 3,775 10 10,598 221 5 1,591 151 15 12,189 372 60 40,250 3,996 5 1,591 151 65 41,841 4,147
Bunbury 1 1,060 28 1 1,060 28 3 935 92 3 935 92 1 1,060 28 3 935 92 4 1,995 120
Champion Bay
Fremantle 36 9,936 436 6 2,052 66 42 11,988 502 1 196 9 1 350 32 2 546 41 37 10,132 445 7 2,402 98 44 12,534 543
Port Walcott 1 414 10 1 414 10 1 414 10 1 414 10
Vasse 1 230 10 1 230 10 1 305 29 1 305 29 2 535 39 2 535 39
Totals 88 41,062 4,249 7 2,282 76 95 43,344 4,325 11 10,794 230 10 3,181 304 21 13,975 534 99 51,850 4,479 17 5,463 380 116 51,319 4,859
Albany 54 32,879 3,712 54 32,879 3,712 12 4,353 317 12 4,353 317 66 37,232 4,029 66 37,232 4,029
Bunbury 7 1,862 209 7 1,862 209 7 1,862 209 7 1,862 209
Champion Bay
Fremantle 29 8,864 361 2 600 23 31 9,464 384 29 8,864 361 2 600 23 31 9,464 384
Port Walcott 2 1,034 31 2 1,034 31 2 1,034 31 2 1,034 31
Vasse 3 650 56 3 650 56 3 650 56 3 650 56
Totals 85 42,777 4,101 2 600 23 87 43,377 4,127 22 6,865 582 22 6,865 582 107 49,642 4,686 2 600 23 109 50,242 4,709
Albany 59 38,368 3,961 59 38,368 3,961 15 6,102 404 15 6,102 404 74 44,470 4,365 74 44,470 4,365
Bunbury 3 839 83 3 839 83 3 839 83 3 839 83
Champion Bay
Fremantle 45 10,112 451 1 384 11 46 10,496 462 45 10,112 451 1 384 11 46 10,406 462
Port Walcott
Vasse 2 418 53 2 418 53 2 418 53 2 418 53
Totals 104 48,480 4,412 1 384 11 105 48,864 4,423 20 7,359 540 20 7,359 540 124 55,839 4,952 1 384 11 125 56,223 4,963
Albany 49 41,360 4,059 49 41,360 4,059 10 2,422 259 10 2,422 259 59 43,782 4,318 59 43,782 4,318
Bunbury 1 215 24 1 215 24 1 215 24 1 215 24
Champion Bay
Fremantle 55 17,164 611 2 790 26 57 17,954 637 1 477 12 1 477 12 55 17,164 611 3 1,267 38 58 18,431 649
Port Walcott
Vasse 1 277 9 1 277 9 1 277 9 1 277 9
Totals 104 58,524 4,670 3 1,067 35 107 59,591 4,705 11 2,637 283 1 477 12 12 3,114 295 115 61,161 4,953 4 1,544 47 119 62,705 5,000