TABLE No. 22., Total Number, Tonnage, and Crews of Vessels Entered at each Port in the Colony of Western Australia, from 1860 to 1869.
With Cargoes. In Ballast. Total. With Cargoes. In Ballast. Total. With Cargoes. In Ballast. Total.
Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews.
Albany 18 5,540 259 23 25,524 4,513 41 31,064 4,772 15 6,783 4,655 15 6,783 465 33 12,323 724 23 25,524 4,513 56 37,847 5,237
Bunbury 2 530 51 2 530 51 2 530 51 2 530 57
Champion Bay
Fremantle 18 5,624 235 4 1,525 60 22 7,149 295 9 2,873 198 1 436 17 10 3,309 215 27 8,497 433 5 1,961 77 32 10,458 510
Port Walcott
Vasse 3 668 47 3 668 47 16 5,061 440 16 5,061 440 19 5,729 487 19 5,729 487
Totals 39 11,832 541 27 27,049 4,573 66 38,881 5,114 42 15,247 1,154 1 436 17 43 15,683 1,171 81 27,079 1,695 28 27,485 4,590 109 54,564 6,285
Albany 18 6,533 454 23 26,216 4,221 41 32,749 4,675 12 5,783 326 12 5,783 326 30 12,316 780 23 26,216 4,221 53 38,532 5,001
Bunbury 11 3,509 310 11 3,509 310 11 3,509 310 11 3,509 310
Champion Bay
Fremantle 26 8,392 356 2 677 24 28 9,069 380 4 1,926 84 4 1,926 84 30 10,318 440 2 677 24 32 10,995 464
Port Walcott
Vasse 14 4,420 401 14 4,420 401 14 4,420 401 14 4,420 401
Totals 44 14,925 810 25 26,893 4,255 69 41,818 5,055 41 15,638 1,121 41 15,638 1,121 85 30,563 1,931 25 26,893 4,245 110 57,456 6,176
Albany 22 9,838 565 26 21,114 4,093 48 30,952 4,658 10 5,632 259 10 5,632 259 32 15,470 824 26 21,114 4,093 58 36,584 4,917
Bunbury 10 3,013 262 10 3,013 262 10 3,013 262 10 3,013 262
Champion Bay
Fremantle 24 9,403 387 4 1,857 57 28 11,260 444 24 9,403 387 4 1,857 57 28 11,260 444
Port Walcott
Vasse 1 856 24 1 856 24 8 2,758 238 8 2,758 238 8 2,758 238 1 856 24 9 3,614 262
Total 46 19,241 952 31 23,827 4,174 77 43,068 5,126 28 11,403 759 28 11,403 759 74 30,644 1,711 31 23,827 4,174 105 54,471 5,885
Albany 36 22,369 4,115 9 6,632 1,077 45 29,005 5,192 6 3,655 143 2 1,544 244 8 5,199 387 42 26,024 4,258 11 8,176 1,321 53 34,200 5,579
Bunbury 4 1,272 110 4 1,272 110 4 1,272 110 4 1,272 110
Champion Bay
Port Walcott
Vasse 1 246 24 1 246 24 1 246 24 1 246 24
Fremantle 28 10,731 461 28 10,731 461 2 538 35 3 1,071 42 5 1,609 77 30 11,269 496 3 1,071 42 33 12,340 538
Total 64 33,100 4,576 9 6,632 1,077 73 39,732 5,653 13 5,711 212 5 2,615 286 18 8,326 598 77 38,811 4,888 14 9,247 1,363 91 48,058 6,251