TABLE No. 18., Return of Expenditure, from 1859 to 1869.
CIVIL. ESTABLISHMENTS. 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869
£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £
The Governor 279 279 281 805 356 422 502 507 509 744 2,972
Colonial Secretary 2,178 3,113 2,599 2,467 2,724 2,634 2,668 2,418 2,472 2,769 2,779
Clerk of Councils 218 300 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
Colonial Treasurer 680 680 700 680 822 924 919 949 960 969 996
Auditor General 600 600 600 600 652 684 664 670 670 752 769
Registrar of Deeds 50 50 50 50 4
Registrar General 50 50 50 50 4
Survey Department 2,414 2,349 2,450 2,834 3,937 3,879 4,616 5,356 6,044 5,952 5,953
Public Works 458 492 515 515 648 635 612 618 642 689 754
Collector Customs 1,772 1,852 1,833 1,673 1,403 1,502 1,589 1,742 1,807 1,812 1,807
Post Office 1,090 1,440 1,224 1,368 1,440 1,556 1,673 1,874 1,947 1,979 2,108
Harbor Master 1,429 1,486 1,468 1,473 1,471 1,502 1,567 1,629 1,606 1,606 1,675
Judicial 4,854 5,177 5,740 5,984 6,675 6,634 7,140 7,921 7,921 7,924 7,942
Ecclesiastical 1,765 1,976 2,219 2,462 2,258 2,508 2,748 2,581 2,535 2,542 2,540
Medical 1,231 1,484 1,456 1,503 1,566 1,624 1,717 1,685 1,640 1,757 1,714
Police 8,007 8,474 8,358 8,673 9,163 9,788 11,070 11,508 11,394 11,394 11,894
Gaols 142 143 135 135 135 135 135 140 140 140 140
Rottnest 304 384 383 496 575 490 491 459 459 477 469
Aborigines 701 718 883 823 633 459 460 431 429 459 538
Poor House 131 131 131 143 199 195 226 229 229 229 307
Education 1,565 1,676 1,726 2,326 2,425 2,429 2,581 2,698 2,982 3,175 3,526
Inspectors of Sheep 1,351 1,451
Total Establishments 29,918 32,854 33,001 35,260 37,290 38,200 41,578 43,615 44,586 46,920 50,534
Pensions, &c. 462 447 245 163 203 197 227 154 312 105 179
Revenue Services 117 163 198 106 59 89 105 101 128 168 269
Judicial 861 675 1,250 1,034 891 1,030 760 814 1,181 1,057 1,357
Ecclesiastical 421 621 93 60 72 60 60 60 90 85 60
Charitable 787 1,182 1,176 923 1,113 1,366 1,657 2,058 2,064 2,264 2,582
Hospitals 908 735 806 958 879 918 899 1,094 1,062 1,036 1,124
Police 3,840 3,823 3,618 4,103 4,016 4,370 4,883 5,425 6,285 5,435 5,929
Gaols 1,080 1,524 1,731 2,280 2,424 2,552 2,588 3,024 2,507 2,314 1,934
Rottnest 894 720 1,186 1,220 827 760 753 705 844 910 963
Rent 262 299 348 496 578 547 637 663 725 698 567
Transport 279 435 1,248 714 484 465 525 812 534 1,099 742
Mails, Colonial 1,404 1,432 1,799 2,411 2,505 2,118 2,516 2,413 2,486 2,586 2,761
Mails, Foreign 1,151 1,000 1,430 1,129 1,190 807 372 748 1,301 1,612
Works and Buildings 4,144 5,449 10,446 7,116 4,853 3,462 2,962 2,161 2,909 5,239 7,323
Roads and Bridges 4,120 7,570 16,348 10,182 5,816 6,335 5,365 10,214 10,597 10,604 14,768
Miscellaneous 914 668 2,931 1,544 1,490 1,308 4,352 3,786 4,176 2,172 5,279
Immigration 571 95 445 566 422 203 163 125 77 82 107
Aborigines 508 512 916 662 649 622 774 715 693 713 688
Harbor Master 557 719 867 735 535 265 254 345 304 438 734
Interest 105 53 105 105 105 121 262 426 406 437 475
Refunds 54 185 582 220 613 520 665 820 1,288 1,064 2,137
Debts and Debentures 318 2,069 2,300 1,750
Agent General 1,561 682 281 2,000 1,500 3,000 3,000 5,500 3,000 1,000
Totals 54,918 61,843 81,087 72,268 71,073 70,715 74,985 84,652 89,502 89,727 103,124