RETURN NO. 5 Showing the Population, Crop, and Stock in the various Districts of the Colony of Western Australia on 30th. Sept. 1854.
MALES FEMALES MALES MALES Males Females Church of England Wesleyan Methodists Independents Other Protestant Dissenters Church of Rome Jews, Mahomedans & others not specified Church of England. Wesleyan Methodists Independents Other Protestant Dissenters Church of Rome Jews' Mahomedans, & others not specified Occupiers employing Laborers Occupiers not employing laborers Agricultural Laborers In care of sheep In care of Cattle Storekeepers and other Retail dealersand their Assistants Bricklayers and Masons Smiths Carpenter and Joiners Painters and Glaziers Tailors and Shoemakers Capitalists, Bankers, Professional Men, their clerks and Assistants Civil officers their clerks & Assistants Laborers employed as Boatmen Mariners and others not Agricultultural. Domestic Servants (Male) All others males above 14 years not included in the foregoing Women and children for the most part dependent on the foregoing. Wheat Barley Oats Rye Maize Seans and other Pulse Potatoes Vineyard Garden Hay and Green Crops Total in Cultivation Produce of Vineyards last Vintage
Under 21 years of age 21 years and upwards Under 21 years Above 12 & under 21 21 and upwards Under 21 years 21 years and upwards Under 12 years Above 12 & under 21 21 years and upwards Under 21 years Above 21 years Under 21 years Above 21 years Under 21 years Above 21 years Under 21 years Above 21 years Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Gallon of Wine Dried Fuit in 1 bs. Horses Sheep Cattle Goats Pigs Total Number of Acrers
Perth and its suburbs 301 373 157 212 30 349 359 187 159 22 6 41 25 186 15 7 2,429 1,225 317 81 139 410 46 131 25 10 45 36 20 45 4 8 53 26 21 68 9 49 18 68 331 15 70 1,588 59¼ 31¼ 14¾ 35¾ 31 104¼ 57¾ 350¼ 3,038 3,237 215 1,027 711 315 392 32
Fremantle 221 228 99 150 19 259 266 121 33 15 20 1 44 117 12 2 1,607 966 52 82 105 238 32 106 3 3 20 4 10 25 1 3 16 40 10 34 2 12 16 13 169 18 265 969 40 36¾ 8 1 1 20½ 92½ 216¼ 85 771 447 208 107
Swan 2 134 10 135 161 87 82 145 65 26 14 26 1 12 2 59 12 2 975 680 47 18 52 78 6 51 3 11 11 18 16 26 112 12 17 8 6 8 15 2 18 13 8 25 18 34 607 1,310 114 155¼ 789¾ 21¾ 3 31½ 54¾ 66 935 3,481 3,546 2,790 633 10,784 4,106 270 612 337
York 4 131 126 126 110 29 95 129 90 9 5 21 5 16 1 35 7 127 36 2 1,106 676 83 11 81 38 110 5 5 54 43 71 34 106 100 38 4 2 2 5 1 4 6 175 10 148 400 1,574 514½ 96½ 41½ 3 20¾ 32¼ 550½ 2,833 160 864 67,858 1,128 18 1,298 444
Toodyay 1 90 106 48 134 13 81 94 31 15 2 35 31 3 169 14 7 874 423 12 24 152 39 113 111 42 16 213 43 30 4 12 12 19 2 13 4 7 58 26 33 340 1485¼ 323¼ 13¾ ¼ ½ 28 320 2202¼ 27 157 1,036 49,728 3,513 40 888 333¼
Murray 1 40 43 32 30 6 35 42 11 6 6 4 5 15 276 203 18 7 4 11 15 14 4 21 23 47 1 20 1 1 1 1 5 6 13 136 341¾ 70¼ 47 1 13 15¾ 148½ 645¾ 552 670 279 1,210 1,863 13 228 79½
Wellington 1 106 121 48 55 20 98 113 31 14 9 2 16 18 2 132 33 3 822 375 10 27 36 187 47 70 2 6 62 31 25 96 8 15 4 8 10 14 1 9 2 13 4 16 137 429 779 249¾ 7 65½ 22¼ 46 205½ 1390¼ 1,342 900 316 4,009 3,721 101 249 191¼
Sussex 42 42 16 45 8 30 32 23 5 2 1 16 1 3 31 24 7 328 221 5 5 20 41 30 6 17 15 41 2 4 1 6 4 6 3 3 11 7 51 157 118 103 50 5 38 3 4 25 346 432 540 2,258 70 96
Plantagenet 95 76 49 70 11 89 95 34 9 12 4 46 5 28 3 122 20 8 776 355 7 49 97 44 114 1 7 99 3 24 73 136 28 4 9 10 5 11 1 11 22 23 52 4 112 251 109¾ 60¾ 10 2 1 17½ 2 25¼ 55½ 290 300 439 19,686 578 4 183 64¾
Victoria 29 23 16 35 3 23 19 3 5 2 1 31 9 82 14 295 92 8 7 50 15 111 12 17 23 15 11 6 4 3 2 3 30 1 25 75 80 141½ 82 23 9 32 296¾ 200 17,955 2,111 11 46 83
Total 9 1,189 1,148 728 1,002 226 1,141 1,294 596 281 5 99 19 253 8 207 20 1,030 195 38 9,488 5,216 552 222 432 1,324 323 850 35 15 42 431 46
Add the Military, their wives and families 238 162 25 102 238 174 14 953 590 2 61 21 279
Ticket-of-leave men on Public Works 924 924
Prisoners in Convict Establishment & Colonial Jails 611 611
Total 9 1,427 1,310 753 1,104 226 1,379 1,468 610 281 5 99 19 253 8 207 20 1,030 195 38 11,976 5,806 554 283 453 1,603 323 850 35 15 42 431 1,581 309 242 844 214 150 99 117 76 176 17 118 86 169 831 145 938 4,957 5969½ 1585½ 364½ 923¼ 41½ 15¾ 221¾ 156½ 351 2422¼ 12051½ 8,665 8,054 4,499 173,568 20,436 980 4,073 1663¼